2016 Maritime Safety Day

Please join us at the Maritime Safety Day, October 25, 2016 

at the Beach Park Events Center in Des Moines

  • Attendee pre-registration: $60 (by 10/21/16)
  • Attendee registration at the door: $70                                            
  • Group attendee: $50 (group = 5 or more)                                     BBQ Lunch is included with your registration!
  • Currently enrolled students: $25
  • Exhibit Booth: ONLY $125 (includes 2 exhibitor staff) 

Before you register - We highly recommend you review the class schedule before starting the registration process! We require attendees pre-select which classes they would like to attend. Should you decide at a later that another class may be of more benefit, you are welcome to switch to any class that has space available.  If you are registering more than one person, you will need to do class selections for each individual.  

New Registration
Modify Registration


Maritime Safety Day is brought to you in partnership by the Washington Governor's Industrial Safety and Health Advisory Board and the Department of Labor and Industries, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, with additional support from our valued sponsors.

Become a sponsor today. See the benefits of our Sponsorship Program.

Connect with us

Questions: Contact the Conference Hotline at 1-888-451-2004 or email info@wagovconf.org
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