2018 Family Violence Prevention Symposium

Registration Fees


Permanente Physician (active or retired) $125 $150 $175

Community Physician
$225 $250 $275

KP Non Physician
$100 $125 $150

Community Non-Physician
$200 $225 $250

KP Physician Resident/Fellow
$50 $75 $100

Community Physician Resident or Fellow $75 $100 $125

SCPMG Physician Associates/ Physician Retiree*
$50 $75 $100

Guest for Breakfast (meal only)

$35 per guest per day

Guest for Lunch (meal only)

$55 per guest per day

* SCPMG Physician Retirees are invited to attend one symposium per year at the discounted rate when pre-registering.

All SCPMG New Physicians/Associates (with less than 3 years of service) are invited to attend one symposium in their first 3 years at the discounted rate when pre-registering.

Your status to receive discounted registration is subject to verification. Registration will be cancelled if your status cannot be verified or if a requested payment goes unpaid.

All on-site registration will incur a $25 additional fee. Register early to avoid this charge. All on-site registration fees must be paid by credit card or check payable to SCPMG. Cash will not be accepted.

Symposium attendance is open to all health care professionals with the exception of employees and healthcare professionals employed by pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies.

Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in the meeting and conference meal functions.


There is a $25 cancellation fee for all cancellations. Cancellations are to be submitted via email only to liz.x.nelson@kp.org by February 23, 2018. There will be no refunds after this date.

ELW statement:

Upon filing accredited CME Certifications, physicians will be compensated at regular W rate for non- regularly scheduled work hours & educational leave (taken during non-work hours). A W will be paid for each 4 hours of CME accreditation. CME activities of less than 4 hours may be accumulated and will not be paid. In this manner, only 2 Ws per calendar year may be earned and educational Leave W’s will not count towards the regular W count and will not be promoted to premium pay.