Category |
Winner |
Highly Commended |
Best administrator - under $30bn client
service |
Circle Partners |
Best administrator - over $30bn client
service |
Deutsche Bank |
Northern Trust |
Best administrator - under $30bn single
manager |
Maples Fund Services |
Best administrator - over $30bn single
manager |
BNY Mellon |
Best administrator - fund of hedge funds |
BNP Paribas Securities Services |
Best middle-office services |
Equinoxe Alternative Investment Services |
Best administrator - Ucits funds |
Maitland |
Best administrator - small and start-up
firms |
Custom House Global Fund Services |
Best administrator - technology |
SS&C |
Best administrator - reporting services |
Quintillion |
Best administrator – illiquid and hybrid
strategies |
Most innovative fund administrator -
under $30bn |
Orangefield Legis Fund Services |
Most innovative fund administrator - over
$30bn |
Best independent administrator |
Apex Fund Services |
Best administrator - under $30bn overall |
Centaur |
Best administrator - over $30bn overall |
State Street |
Citco Fund Services |
Best audit services |
Best risk management technology provider |
eSentire |
Best portfolio management software
provider |
Misys |
Backstop Solutions Group |
Best advisory firm - regulation and
compliance |
Cordium |
Best overall advisory firm |
Duff & Phelps |
Best hedge fund recruitment firm |
One Ten Associates |
Mondrian Alpha Recruitment Solutions |
Best marketing and communications
consultancy |
Peregrine Communications |
Best outsourced tech infrastructure
provider |
Lanware |
Options |
Best fund accounting and reporting
software |
Eze Software Group |
Enfusion |
Best technology for small and start-up
firms |
netConsult |
Best information and data vendor |
Thomson Reuters |
Best cloud computing solution |
Eze Castle Integration |
Matsco |
Most innovative technology firm |
Digiterre |
Best technology firm – overall |
Capital Support |
Best AIFMD solution |
Lawson Conner |
Best depositary solution |
INDOS Financial |
Best managed account platform |
Lyxor Asset Management |
Best Ucits platform |
Bank of America Merrill Lynch |
Best independent platform |
Amundi Asset Management |
Trium UCITS |
Best regulatory hosting platform |
Mirabella |
Best hedge fund platform |
AK Jensen |
Best insurance underwriter |
Pioneer Underwriters |
Travelers |
Best insurance broker |
Lockton |
Best specialist advisory firm |
Laven Partners |
Bougeville Consulting |
Best offshore law firm |
Maples and Calder |
Best onshore law firm |
Simmons and Simmons |
Best onshore law firm - hedge fund
start-ups |
Dechert |
MJ Hudson |
Best offshore law firm - client service |
Harneys |
Best onshore law firm - client service |
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld |
Best prime broker - technology |
Barclays Capital |
Best prime broker - innovation |
BNP Paribas |
Best prime broker - emerging markets |
Best prime broker - capital introduction |
Societe Generale |
Best prime broker – client service |
ABN AMRO Clearing |
Best boutique prime broker |
Global Prime Partners |
Linear Investments |
Best overall prime broker |
Goldman Sachs |