Introducing our International Keynote Speakers
Dr Joachim Cohen is a medical sociologist and senior researcher for the End of Life Care research group of Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University (Click for more information). His program of research focuses on end of life care and related issues or trends, including cross national research on end of life care. Dr Gail Eva is an occupational therapist who lectures on cancer and
palliative care rehabilitation at Brunel University in the UK. Her research
focuses on the social, psychological and occupational consequences of cancer
related disability with a particular focus on employment, rehabilitation in neurological cancers,
goal-setting, non-pharmacological interventions for managing fatigue, and rehabilitation outcome measures in cancer and palliative care. To read the a full biography for Dr Eva, please Click to read more Dr Christian Sinclair is an Assistant Professor of Palliative Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center. His contributions to the field of hospice and palliative care have focused on using social media as a public health tool through his work as Editor of the website Pallimed. He currently is president-elect of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Click to read more...
Introducing our Australian Expert Speakers
Dr Katrina Anderson is Associate Professor, General Practice, Academic Unit of General Practice, Australian National University Medical School. She has been an educator of medical students, junior doctors and GP registrars for over twenty years and has a specific interest in patient centred medicine and compassionate care. She is currently the Chair of the Child and Community Health Semester for third year medical students and the Director of Prevocational Training in General Practice in the SENSW and ACT region. Click to read more...
Professor David Currow is the Chief Cancer
Officer of NSW and Chief Executive Officer of the Cancer Institute NSW, the NSW
Government’s cancer control agency. He
continues to hold the appointment of Professor of Palliative and Supportive
Services at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.
Professor David Currow has been announced as the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 2015 joint recipient of the Excellence in Scientific Research in Palliative Care Award. David is now the first and to date only Australian to receive this award.
David initially trained as a physician in
internal medicine with sub-speciality training in palliative medicine. At the
same time, Click to read more Sara Fleming, Adelaide-based Nurse Practitioner has seen Palliative Care roll through changes – or not – over the years. When will it be cool to say you work in Palliative Care? Can we yet safely add the word Paediatric and not get “the look”?
Sara’s enthusiasm and passion is inexhaustible. She employs a combination of life in the trenches and open self-reflection to take you on a tour of wonder at the things we are capable of in the face of click to read more Dr Scott Martin leads the CSIRO Applied Physics Group encompassing optics, superconductivity and device development. The group has a strong track record of deploying science & technology innovations into aerospace, mining, astronomy, healthcare, telecoms, defence and manufacturing.
Scott moved to Australia from the UK – attracted by the way CSIRO uses science to tackles many industrial and community challenges. For example, since arriving in 1994 he has been found covered in ink inside printing presses installing laser-based sensors, participated in a start-up company, developed health diagnostics for animals and humans, + + + the diversity is always... Click here to read more Associate Professor Jennifer Philip is the Deputy Director of Palliative Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, head of St Vincent’s Palliative Care Consultancy Service and Co-Deputy Director of the Centre for Palliative Care, a collaborative centre of the University of Melbourne.
Jennifer is a palliative care physician with extensive experience predominantly... Click to read more
Professor Fran McInerney is Professor of Dementia Studies and Education at the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania. She a registered nurse with postgraduate qualifications in applied science, sociology and public health. Her clinical, education and research practice is located in the fields of aged and palliative care. Her interests include dementia care, community responses to death and dying, and developing links between aged and palliative care. Fran’s research uses methods that enhance understandings of practice and practice change in health care.... Click to read more
Kate Swetenham is the Service Director of Southern Adelaide Palliative Services (SAPS) and the Chair of the Palliative Care Clinical Network for South Australia. Kate is a nurse who holds a Graduate Diploma in Psycho-Oncology and a Master of Palliative Care. She is currently doing a Master of Science to explore patient, family caregiver and health provider communication dynamics within a clinic setting... Click to read more
Professor Colleen Doyle is principal research fellow at the National Ageing Research Institute.
She also holds a partnership appointment with Villa Maria Catholic Homes and the
Australian Catholic University as Professor of Aged Care. The research
program at Villa Maria Catholic Homes focuses on quality improvement projects to
support older adults living in the community as well as residential
care. Key areas are telehealth, e-health and dementia care. Colleen's
doctorate from The University of Adelaide... Click to read more
Introducing our Conference MC
Jean Kittson is an author, comedian and television personality. Jean is an experienced MC, keynote speaker, panellist,debater and facilitator of conventions, conferences, award nights and other after dinner frolics, in corporate, government and community arena.
She was a founding director of the National Cord Blood Bank, the inaugural Chair of the Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation (AGCF) and a founding Ambassador for Ovarian Cancer Australia. She is the patron of Palliative Care Nurses Australia.
Jean is a strong advocate for women’s health issues and has recently published “You’re Still Hot to Me: The Joys of Menopause”.... Click to read more