NNN Conference 2023 Portal: Workshop & Rapid Fire Submission Form
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Once you have created a profile and you are logged in, head to the "Submissions" page and click "add new". From the submissions tab you can access any of your saved submissions
Complete the submission form
Select "save & continue later" - You will be able to continue editing your document until Friday 5th May 2023 23:00 EST by pressing “save & continue later” as you go
Select "save & submit" only when it is final
Please make sure to read through the notes below before submitting your proposal. A selection committee will review the proposals that are received no later than Friday 5th May 2023 23:00 EST - this is the final extension deadline.
This year we are delighted to offer our members the opportunity to submit proposals for both:
90 Minute Workshop sessions. There are 12 workshop sessions each lasting 90 minutes, organised in three parallel sessions over the course of the three-day conference.
Rapid Fire presentations. The Rapid-Fire presentation will consist of a 9 - 12 minute presentation followed by a Q&A session in either PPT or video format, eg., videos may showcase community voices, best practices, or impact storytelling.
Similar to last year, workshop submissions that are not selected for the conference will still be considered for a Rapid Fire session, if desired.
The Conference Committee has carefully curated a programme and considered sub-themes that are of interest to the NNN community and is inviting submissions for both Workshops and Rapid Fire Presentations in the following sub-themes / sub-groups. Please note whilst we have offered several examples for each sub-theme, these are not restrictive and are only for guidance, we encourage you to be creative and explore different topics and ideas:
Sub-theme | Examples may include but are not limited to: |
Addressing social determinants of health | Socio-economic factors that affect health outcomes Gender equality social inclusion |
Advancing health equity for hard-to-reach communities (to include gender, disability, refugees, IDPs) | Health care access Social justice Acceptance & utilisation of health services Geo-political impacts on health |
Building evidence for action | Research fed programme design & implementation Operational research in programmatic settings |
Communication / Advocacy | Health promotion & prevention Community based approaches to health promotion & disease prevention Communications & advocacy for health promotion |
Cross-sectoral streams | WASH, One Health, education, agriculture, nutrition, child-health Vector management in NTDs and other vector borne diseases Economics of health |
Health systems strengthening & capacity building | Country ownership & sustainability Health information systems Systems approach to NTDs Domestic financing |
Mental health NTDs and quality of life | Stigma, inclusion and wellbeing Disease management & disability inclusion Livelihoods & economic recovery |
Technological innovation & solutions | New technological advances - Data management & use New interventions tools & diagnostics |
The NNN Workshop Review Committee will select workshop submissions using the following criteria:
Relevance to multiple NTDs: the workshop should provide learning relevant to multiple NTDs or share best practice/evidence of cross sectoral collaboration of NTD with other areas of health; disease specific workshops and presentations should be framed explicitly to enable lessons to be applied to other diseases.
Clear objectives: the proposal should have clear learning objectives and demonstrate how the structure of the workshop will achieve those objectives.
Quality of proposal: the proposal should include a clear background on the issue/s to be discussed, rationale for conducting a workshop (including how the workshop will build on previous discussions), and explanation on how the workshop conclusions will be followed up by the organisers.
Innovation: the workshop should bring or share ideas that can be replicated, highlight new learnings, tools, knowledge, samples of best practice or innovation to the conference.
Interaction and participation: the workshop should be structured to encourage a broad range of audience participation. Workshops containing only presentations or panels with no audience interaction are less likely to be selected.
Diversity of speakers / facilitators / panellists: the workshop should involve a range of participants across multiple organisations,with an emphasis of engagement and participation of youth in the workshop, including speakers from NTD endemic countries; across genders; or persons affected by NTDs. Proposals that do not include a wide range of representation across these criteria will not be considered.
In-person workshop leader: the workshop must be facilitated by at least one person who will be in attendance in-person in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In addition, it is strongly recommended for the Workshop Lead to attend in-person as much as possible. The 2023 Conference will be an in-person conference with virtual streaming of the sessions.
The Rapid Fire Submissions will also be considered on a selection of the above Review Criteria with a focus on diversity across the Rapid Fire Sessions:
Relevance to multiple NTDs
Clear objectives
Quality of proposal
Workshop Planning Recommendations:
Please indicate which speakers and facilitators will be in-person in Tanzania. The workshop facilitator and at least one speaker must attend in-person in Tanzania so that the workshop can sufficiently engage with in-person attendees. Any speakers who are unable to attend must pre-record their presentation as a video.
Consider the length of time in your agenda for meaningful discussion when planning breakout activities and establish how you will engage both in person and virtual attendees. (nb we will only be offering break-out conversation for our in person participants this year - invite your virtual attendees to take a short break and return for the wrap up and feedback from break-out conversations)
Whilst there is no limit to the number of workshops you can propose, during the submission process we will ask you to prioritise your submissions in order to maximise the number of individuals and organisations able to host a workshop. Please note that all participants in your workshop, including any speakers, moderators, and rapporteurs must register for the event in order to have access to the NNN Conference rooms, and therefore participate in the workshop. This applies to both virtual in-person participants.
Please note that all participants of your workshop, including any speakers, moderators and rapporteurs must register for the event. In the submission, please specify after every name if attending online or in-person.
Please note that the proposal submission for the workshop must be in English, but the workshop itself can be conducted in English, French, or Spanish. While the NNN are unable to cover the interpretation services for workshops, MYT, the professional conference organiser (PCO) can recommend Interpretation Suppliers for you to obtain quotations.
- Workshop submissions must be sent no later than FRIDAY 5th May, 23:00 EST through the NNN Portal.
Successful workshop proposals will be notified by email by FRIDAY 2nd June
As workshop sessions are limited this year, we ask for you to please confirm and accept via email by FRIDAY 9th June
Workshop presenters should attend the Workshop Lead Orientation session on WEDNESDAY 14th June (please add this date to your calendar).
Once successful applicants have been notified, they will be sent a Google document to complete for both their Workshop Logistics and Workshop Agenda. Please complete by FRIDAY 14th July so that the information can be uploaded into the system.
A final deadline for checking the online platform, finalising your speakers and making final amendments to your outline is FRIDAY 1st September, this is the final print deadline for your workshop posters that will capture your key learnings and outcomes.
Please also share all presentations and video content by this date.
Please click here for a PDF version of this guidance including the submission questions.
Please click here to proceed with your submissions.