Welcome to NFBO Congress submission form for abstracts. 

Symposiums and workshops proposals should not be uploaded here. For more information on this process, please visit: NFBO Congress 2025 — NFBO
New User? Create a new profile

You must create a profile before starting your first abstract submission. Please click HERE to create a new profile. The user account should be created by the presenting author.

Once you have created a profile, please login and you will be able to submit your first abstract HERE, return to your account to modify the existing abstracts or to submit more abstracts.

General information - Applies to both oral and poster presentations

  • All presenters must register to congress.
  • The user account should be created by the presenting author.
  • Multiple abstract submissions are permitted.
  • Please ensure the abstract is proof read carefully before submitting, as changes or additions will not be accepted after the call for abstracts closes.
  • Remember to include a valid email address for confirmation of receipt of the abstract submission and ongoing communication.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published

Abstract guidelines and instructions

Abstracts must contain original work and meet international ethical standards. Abbreviations should be defined and trade names are not allowed in the title, but may be accepted (in brackets) in the body.

Abstract submission: October 9th - December 10th, 2024
The abstract should be structured as follows:

Author(s): Name(s) of the author(s), Affiliation(s), Email address(es).

Title of the abstract: Your title should be concise and reflect the content of your presentation. It should not exceed 15 words.

Briefly describe the context and the significance of your study. What is the problem or issue being addressed? Why is it important, particularly in relation to the themes of the conference?

Clearly state the aim of your study or the purpose of your presentation. What specific question(s) or hypothesis(es) does your work address?

Describe the methodology used in your research or the approach taken in your practical work. What were the key steps, tools, or strategies?

Summarize the main findings or expected outcomes of your work. What did you discover, or what are you on track to discover?

Interpret the significance of your findings. How do they contribute to the field of resilience and trauma, particularly within the Nordic context? What are the implications for practice, policy, or future research?

Please chose one of the following languages for your presentation:
  • English
  • Danish
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian

Relevant themes:
  • Resilience
  • Trauma
  • Voices of Children and Youth
  • Barnahus – Intersectoral Collaboration

Word limit
Ensure that the total word count does not exceed 250 words.