Do you offer a new approach or a fresh idea? Do you have technology solutions for an old problem? Have you discovered a breakthrough solution or more efficient way to do things?
We are looking for creative, educational technical session proposals for IMSA’s 2016 Forum & Expo in Atlanta, GA.
Click 'Login' above to submit your proposal or modify an existing submission. (This log in is separate from the IMSA web site and only for your proposal submission.)
You are encouraged to propose any cutting-edge topic that is informational, not promotional, in nature, such as:
- LED lighting of urban streets
- Lighting maintenance using traffic signal maintenance personnel
- Lighting conversion design from HPS to LED
- MUTCD updates for the release of a new MUTCD in 2017/2018
- LED enhanced signs
- Broadband networks
- Public safety communications
- MUTCD sign compliance
- Asset management interactive round table
- Mobile technology and apps in transportation.
- Bicycle signals
- Fire alarm
- OSHA requirements & enforcement
- Aerial truck safety
- Underground and confined space safety
- NFPA 70E Electrical Safety in the Workplace
- Gas detection
- Fire & gas detection in underground transportation systems
- Emergency communications for bridges, tunnels, transit & roadways
- The future of fiber optics and the connected vehicle
NEW THIS YEAR - EASIER FOR YOU: Presenters will be required to send their final PowerPoint presentation file using the official designated template to IMSA (deadline will be announced soon). It will be pre-loaded onto a laptop with projector in your assigned room.
Please note: We will not consider any presentation that clearly promotes a specific company, product or service.
Submitting YourProposal
All technical session proposals for 2016 must be submitted electronically using our online submission form. IMSA is unable toaccept technical session proposals that are not submitted online.
Please read the IMSAPresentation Agreement by clicking the link above. Then you must click to agree on the session submission form.
If your session is selected for presentation you will beasked to provide the following:
- Your presentation PowerPoint using the official IMSA-designated template emailed to by August 1, 2016. Your presentation will be reviewed and changes may be requested if it does not adhere to the guidelines outlined here.
- Requests for additional audio visual equipment must be submitted with your proposal in order to be considered, no exceptions.
- A PDF handout outlining the subject matter from your session including session information that attendees will be able to download from the Forum & Expo website.
- An engaging and interactive session.
- A clear message. Be sure your session title and description match the message you will be delivering.
- A true technical session on the subject matter you proposed. PLEASE NOTE: Sales pitches and product specific presentations are not allowed.
- Adherence to deadlines set by IMSA. It is important for you to respond in a timely manner to all correspondence regarding your session. The items requested from you will assist the IMSA staff in preparing for your session.
Saturday August 27,2016
Sunday August 28, 2016
Monday August 29,2016
Tuesday August 30,2016
Click 'Login' above to submit your proposal or modify an existing submission.
Session slots are a minimum of one (1) hour including Q&A.We also have one and one half (1-1/2) hour slots and will considerlonger sessions if your topic requires more time topresent or if you have a panel of presenters or hands-on workshop.
You will be notified in April 2016 of the status of yoursubmission.
Upon acceptance of your proposal by IMSA you will receive aconfirmation containing the date/time of your presentation and completeinstructions for presenters. All speakers must submit a short biography to be used in the introduction and photo (optional) tobe used on the Forum & Expo website.
IMSA may modify thesession title and description to fit our marketing style and format forthe purpose of the brochure, website and onsiteprogram.
What to Expect at the Conference
Each technical session room will be set with a podium, microphone, LCD projector, screen, and laptop with your Powerpoint filepre-loaded and ready to go at your designated time.
Please keep the time of your sessions in mind when developingyour presentation and allow ample time (approximately 10–15minutes) for questions and answers. Once your session has concluded,please be respectful of the next speaker and quickly exit the sessionroom. If you’d like to continue conversations with attendees,please do so outside the room.
Registration and Badge Credentials
When registration opens, please be sure to select the Speaker category when registering online.
Once your session has been confirmed, youshould book your hotel online by visiting the IMSA Web site and clicking on the 2016 Forum & Expo link. IMSA does not reimburse hotel or travel expenses fortechnical sessionspeakers.