Submitting Speakers: You may submit a proposal for the Conference on Crimes Against Women in May 2023.
Lead Presenters
1. After you click on Login and complete your profile, click on Submissions to submit presentation proposal
2. Make sure both Profile and Submissions pages are complete. Incomplete submissions will not be considered
3. On the Submissions page, under Submission Group choose the primary Conference you want the proposal submission to go to
4. On the Submissions page, you will be able to add your co-presenter(s) at the end of the page by clicking Add New
5. Once you Save and Submit, your session will show up and you can then Log Out
1. Click My Profile and complete all fields
2. Click Save and Submit when done
CCAW Submissions: The proposal notification date has changed from November 30, 2022 to December 19, 2022. Please adhere to the September 30, 2022 deadline to submit all submissions and/or complete incomplete submissions to ensure a smooth review process.
*Please complete the Submission page to include all co-presenters as well as the Profile pages in its entirety*
If you have any technical difficulties, please contact Shawn Guy at sguy@conferencecaw.org