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About the Symposium

This symposium series is the result of the foresight and dedication of Dr. Dale H. Arner, Professor Emeritus, Mississippi State University. Through his efforts and with the assistance of a Steering Committee consisting of representatives from industry, government and academia, Dr. Arner initiated and chaired the first symposium, January 6-8, 1976, at Mississippi State University.

The primary objective of the symposium was:

“to present a forum for discussion of the environmental impacts which result from siting, constructing, using and maintaining rights-of-way. A second objective was to draw together and publish practical information on ways of reducing the environmental impacts and of developing multiple uses of rights-of-way which cross rural areas.”

Because of their linear configurations, rights-of-way cross many landforms, habitats, property ownerships and governmental jurisdictions. Additionally, rights-of-way directly affect people with diverse points of view, for example, the landowner, the project engineer and the land use specialist. The first symposium was intended to fill a need for a common meeting ground for individuals and groups concerned about the environmental impacts of rights-of-way.

Participants at that First Symposium included representatives of utilities, vendors, government agencies, consulting firms, and universities. Dr. Arner was the symposium Chairman while John Gill acted as the Program Chairman. The First Symposium not only successfully achieved its objectives, it also laid the ground work for the subsequent series of symposia

Author Resources 

For the first time ever, we are offering two options to submit under:

  • Abstract to a Manuscript that is then published in the proceedings (post event) 
  • Abstract to power point presentation only which is not published in the proceedings

Both options offer the opportunity to speak at the event but only one offers the opportunity to be in the publication post event. 

Also note that if you are submitting an abstract on behalf of your self or others, please be sure to review the Author Resources page on our website. 

Create an account & mark your calendars

If you are a new visitor you will need to create an account first. 

To do so, please click on the Login tab at the top, then click on the wording "New user? Click here".
This will take you to a profile page to complete setting up your account. Be sure to keep a record of your user name and password that you create. 

Next, mark your calendars and capture the schedule listed below to stay on top of all the dates for the Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management 14th International Symposium to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia May 11-14,2026. 

We will be seeking abstracts from researchers, students and other leaders from across our industry worldwide on a broad spectrum of topics that focus on environmental impacts from constructing, using and maintaining rights-of-way. The symposium presents the latest research and other information on wildlife and their habitats, technology, regulation, best practices and more.

You are invited to submit an abstract to any of the technical tracks listed. Submitted abstracts must meet the following requirements:

  1. No sales pitches of products of any kind 
  2. Suggested Symposium Topics can include but not limited to:
      • Habitat protection • Migration and breeding • Pollinators and endangered species • Integrated habitat management • Technology integrations and applications
      • Energy conservation • Renewable energy • Sustainable transportation • Integrated habitat management • Technology integrations and applications
      • Building strategies in include Indigenous people & Nations into business, organizations and initiatives. conservation • Partnership Engagement • Indigenous Works Foundation 
      • Restoring native species and habitats • Controlling invasive species • Managing the ecosystem composition • Biological control mechanisms • Leveraging technology (e.g., remote sensing, software, geospatial, etc.)

The current schedule for this event is as follows:

  • October 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025 – Call for papers is open (stage 1)
  • May 1, 2025 – First draft round opens (manuscripts & power point drafts to be submitted. Stage 2) 
  • November 5, 2025 – First draft round closes (all manuscripts & power point drafts are due) 
  • February 26, 2024 - Reviewers submit recommendations to authors(s).
  • March 4, 2026 – Final Submission Round Opens for Author(s). (Stage 3)
  • March 27, 2026 - All Power Point Presentations are to be submitted for event upload
  • May 11-14, 2026-Presentations in person at Symposium