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​​​​​​​How to submit a paper

You created an account when you submitted your abstract.
  1. Go to the menu above. 
  2. Click on the "Login" link to log into your account.
  3. Go to the Submissions page
  4. Click on a submission, complete the required fields and click ‘save & complete’ to submit your paper.  If you want to save your progress and return later to complete your submission, click ‘save & continue later’

Note: Your paper has not been submitted for review, unless you see ‘Complete’ under the Submission Completeness’ header.

Peer Review Process
Submitted papers are considered by a committee of explosives industry professionals. This is not a blind review. The committee will determine the paper’s relevance and substance based on the following criteria:
Purpose and reason for the work
Quality of the data collected
Quality of the analysis and processes followed
Degree of rigor behind the recommendations made or actions taken
Conclusions based on data and analysis presented
Application and interest to the Explosives industry

Special consideration for acceptance at the Conference will be made for Blasters, and other Explosives Professionals, whose work is primarily day to day, hands-on-blasting in commercial construction, demolition, quarrying and mining applications.

Author Instructions: ISEE Paper Template
Detailed instructions regarding the ISEE Paper format requirements are posted on the submission site after you receive the notification of abstract acceptance. Please use the Template to format the Paper appropriately. There is also a “Quick Reference” guide that summarizes the key formatting points.

ISEE Conference Paper Template
ISEE Paper Formatting - a quick reference

Paper Presentation
The Program Committee will assign each paper to a session upon acceptance of the completed paper. The paper will be assigned to a Technical Session or Blasters Forum Poster Session. Some authors will have the option to present in both. (Space is limited.)

Official Language
Papers must be submitted and presented in English, the official language of the Conference.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of the Papers, after the Review process, will be made by September 2, 2024.

Key Dates:
  • May 29, 2024: Notification of abstract acceptance
  • July 22, 2024 at 11:59pm ET: Last day for submission of completed paper -- Please note, there will be no deadline extensions
  • September 2, 2024: Notification of final paper acceptance
  • ​​​​​​​September 27, 2024 at 11:59pm ET: Confirmation of attendance and discounted conference registration deadline for authors
  • ​​​​​​​November 29, 2024 at 11:59pm ET: Last day for submission of completed presentations -- Please note, there will be no deadline extensions