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American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF)
Call for Partnership Showcase

October 10-11, 2024

Abstract Submission Site Opens  March 15, 2024
Abstract Submission Site Closes – June 21, 2024 11:59:59 PM EDT

The Partnership Showcase sessions are designed to allow community-engaged research teams to highlight the processes, innovations, and creative collaborations that they have developed and/or implemented in their research. Focused areas may include such topics as approaches to outreach, needs assessment, implementation, dissemination, and/or community programming. Partnership Showcase presenters will also have the opportunity to engage with audience members through collaborative and collegial discussion. We have designed these sessions to help community-engaged research teams showcase their collaborative processes, rather than present scientific findings.Partnership teams will have 12 minutes to showcase their partnership with time for feedback and discussion with other summit attendees. Partnership showcases are available to any community engaged collaborative teams across the research trajectory. Partnership Showcase proposals that are not well fit to the Partnership Showcase design will be considered for poster presentations.

Partnership Showcases will be presented in breakout sessions (presentation/discussion). During the sessions, Partnership Teams may choose to share a Powerpoint or other audiovisual materials to highlight elements of their collaborative process (Please check with the AOTF Staff prior to the Engage Summit to ensure that your presentation format is supported at the conference venue). At least one academic and one community collaboration is expected to present, although we recognize that many proposals and partnerships are developed and sustained by teams. Presentations submitted by academic partners alone will not be considered.


Review ALL required information BEFORE beginning your submission!
You may go back and edit information at any time (Click SAVE, do not submit!)
The steps do not have to be completed in one session.
Expect the submission process to take about 30 minutes.

>> IMPORTANT – Please prepare a Word / Text document in the following format (you will copy and paste this into the submission system)

  • Title: A Concise and Precise Title (15 words or less)
  • Background/Significance:
  • Community-based issue:
  • Community groups included:
  • Partnership Innovations and approaches: Concisely describe the collaborative processes, innovations, and aspects that set your team apart and that you plan to showcase in this session. 
  • Future directions/Impact/Outcomes:
  • References – Not included in your abstract word count

Note: The system has a character limit of 3300 for the body of the abstract/course, which roughly translates to 500 words.

>> How to Access the Site and Submit Abstract:

Step 1: Click "Log In" at the top left of page
             Click on "New User" to establish a password and create your profile
Step 2: Create and save your profile
Step 3: Click on Submissions (top, blue header bar on this page) to enter your abstract 
*** Important: 
Need to edit later? Save but do NOT submit. You will not be able to go back into your abstract and edit after you have submitted.

>> Travel Awards

We value the opportunity to learn together with community partners in the ENGAGE Summit. Community Partners are eligible for a registration and travel award to attend the event. Priority will be given to community partners who present an accepted abstract (scientific poster or partnership showcase). During the abstract submission process, Community Partners who are listed as authors/coauthors may indicate they wish to be considered for a travel award.

If Community Partner is not submitting an abstract as an author/co-author, but would like to be considered for a registration and/or travel award, please email Lianna Meyreles

Awardees will be announced August 1, 2024
Travel Stipend Amount $1500

AOTF Conference Questions? Email Lianna Meyreles
AOTF Registration or Abstract Questions? Email Kingsley