Welcome to EHDN and Enroll-HD 2024 Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is closed.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a review committee.

Abstracts which have been approved by the review committee are accepted for the poster exhibition on site in Strasbourg and will be published
in a supplement of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (JNNP) in September 2024. Particularly good abstracts will be considered for
an oral presentation live at the EHDN and Enroll-HD 2024 in the dedicated sessions.
Abstract approval notification with further information will be announced early July 2024. 

The abstract maximum is 250 words. Please find further information on the abstract submission format here.

Please note that the Abstract Site is not compatible with Internet Explorer; we recommend using Chrome where possible.

If you have any queries regarding abstract submission or require any assistance, please contact Strasbourg2024abstracts@venuesworld.com


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