Welcome to 26NKG Symposium Abstract Submission Form

New User?  Create a new profile
You must create a profile before starting your first symposium submission. Please click HERE to create a new profile.  The user account should be created by the symposium organizer.

When you have an user account, please click "User Login" in the menu bar to log in to submit your abstract. You can always return to your account to modify the existing abstracts or to submit more abstracts.

A unique user profile must be created for both symposium abstracts and and/or abstract for oral or poster submission as these are not uploaded in the same database.

Abstract submission guidelines
Read more about 26NKG's abstract submission guidelines: HERE

Questions and registration for the conference

If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, feel free to contact Heaven Ho Sørensen at hs@meetingplanners.dk
Remember that even though you have submitted an abstract, you still need to sign up for the congress. We can not guarantee a place unless you book it yourself.