Welcome to the CSPC 2020
Short Talks Submission Site


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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This submission form is for the CSPC 2020 virtual conference which will be held from November 16th - 20th, 2020.  

These are 90 minute sessions during the conference and include 5-6 different short presentations, each of 10 minutes duration followed by 5 minutes of Q&A from the audience. These sessions are ideal for individuals who have novel ideas/ projects/ research to present at CSPC, but may not have the resources to assemble a full-fledged panel.

These sessions are ideal for individuals who have novel ideas/ projects/ research to present at CSPC, but may not have the resources to assemble a full-fledged panel.

Each individual presenter will be given 10 minutes to make their presentation, followed by 5 minutes of audience Q&A within this 90 minute short talks session. 

Browser: for best results, we strongly recommend using Chrome or Firefox when submitting your abstract. Do not use Internet Explorer unless you have to.




  • Proposal submission deadline: June 12, 2020, 23:59 ET
  • Proponents notified as to proposal acceptance: Mid-Late July, 2020
  • Submission of 100 words abstract and panelists information (confirmation, biographies, headshots): August 7, 2020
  • Internal coordination and readiness for the panel: August-October, 2020
  • Sessions delivered online: November 16-20, 2020

For questions regarding selection criteria and content of submissions, please contact info@sciencepolicy.ca.

For questions regarding online submission process and for technical difficulties, please contact:
Daniela Nogueira
CSPC 2020 Secretariat
Email: daniela@bayleygroup.com
Telepone: 1.888.527.3434 (toll free)/ +1.519.263.5050 (office) / +1.519.263.6003 (direct)
Website: https://sciencepolicy.ca/cspc-2020