You are invited to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professional's (CSCMP’s) 2020 Academic Research Symposium (ARS), which will be held on Sunday, September 20, 2020 in Orlando, Florida in conjunction with the CSCMP’s annual conference, EDGE. This conference provides an excellent opportunity to meet with colleagues and share new research with top academics in the supply chain management discipline. In addition to the opportunity to reconnect with and confer with your colleagues, there are many additional ways to participate in this event. For instance, you might submit a full-length research or teaching paper to be considered for symposium awards and full-length presentation. You might also submit an abstract to report on teaching innovation or supply chain management research that is in progress. These abstracts will be considered for presentation at our expanded Poster Session. We also seek volunteers to develop and moderate expert panel sessions on timely and important topics that affect the supply chain management community at large. Finally, we can always use help reviewing submissions. Please find more details on these opportunities below. Thank you for your involvement in the 2020 CSCMP ARS. We look forward to connecting with you in Anaheim!
Research submissions are encouraged in the form of:
(1) Award Competitive Papers
(2) Teaching Innovation Papers
(3) Research Abstracts for Poster Presentation.
• The full-length (20 pages or less) Award Competitive Papers should report basic findings and contributions of the research endeavor. All research submissions will be evaluated on originality, clarity, research design, and theoretical and practical contribution. Accepted papers will be invited to present in a full session at the ARS and will be considered for the E. Grosvenor Plowman Award. Authors of full-length papers not accepted for presentation might be invited instead to present their research as a poster.
• Teaching Innovation Papers should also be no longer than 20 pages in length. These papers might include reporting of pedagogical techniques or methods, applied teaching case studies, experiential description of the use of new tools, or other innovative teaching methods. Teaching submissions will be evaluated for originality, clarity, and value of discussion of learning outcomes and will be considered for the Innovative Supply Chain Teaching Award. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their research in a full session at the ARS. Authors of full-length papers not accepted for presentation might be invited instead to present their research as a poster.