Call for Abstracts

You are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for presentation at the 5th International Conference on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. The meeting will consist of invited talks, contributed oral talks, posters, and “lightning round” oral presentations for some posters. During abstract submission, you will be asked which type of presentation you prefer. We will attempt to accommodate as many people as possible for oral presentations, but time for these is limited since we will not have parallel sessions. The choice of oral presentations will be decided by our Advisory Committee, with the goal of having a set of diverse and balanced talks within a coherent program. Thus, since not everyone will be able to have an oral presentation, we would ask that you indicate alternative forms of presentation as well.

Lightning Presentations

The lightning round has been a very successful part of the previous meetings. Individuals giving posters may request 4 minutes to present the major ideas of their posters to the meeting participants. We will do our utmost to provide as many poster presenters as possible with an opportunity to do a lightning presentation. If you would like to do a lightning round presentation please be sure to indicate that when you submit your abstract.


Abstracts are due no later than 27 March 2019. You will be notified of acceptance and told the type of presentation we are able to accommodate by 30 April 2019.

The Proceedings of our previous meetings have been extremely successful with over 100,000 downloads. All presenters are strongly encouraged to submit a manuscript either to Proceedings of Meetings in Acoustics (POMA) or to a special issue in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA). Manuscript submission will open in June 2019 and close 1 November 2019. Instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are here.

Please note that anyone receiving any level of support to attend the meeting (e.g., travel, hotel, registration) from the conference organisers is required to submit a manuscript before they will be reimbursed for their expenses.

Topics For Presentations

Papers are invited on any aspect of the meeting topics here. Be sure to note relevant topics when you submit your abstract.

Support For Attendance

We are hoping to have some financial support for attendance at the meeting. Highest priority for financial support will be for students, postdocs, young investigators, and those coming from developing countries. All individuals receiving any support MUST be first-author on a presentation and MUST submit a full paper to the proceedings. (Reimbursement will depend on submission and acceptance of the paper to either POMA or JASA.) Others are welcome to apply for financial aid and we will do our utmost to accommodate as many people as our funding will allow, but note that we expect to have less funds than for our previous meetings.

LOG IN, create your profile, and submit your abstract now. You can also use the links at the top left.