IFIP Pacific Regional Hui Information
Otāki, New Zealand, 8-9 May, 2017
Otāki, New Zealand, 8-9 May, 2017
Investing in Māori development
Sharing current practice, innovations and success
For the past five and a half years the J R McKenzie Trust has been working to improve its support of Māori development. We have increased the proportion of funding from 3% to 37%, embedding some practices and developing relationships with other funders. We are exploring ways of strengthening these relationships and promoting benefits.
2017 A rare opportunity for funders/donors Indigenous leaders and organisations
To meet together in a small indigenous Māori community, which initiated an Iwi/Tribal Development Strategy 31 years ago. Come witness the changes, experience the surroundings, meet amazing people (you of course are one of them) and be immersed in the line-up of inspirational speakers.
What is the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP)?
A global donor affinity group, started in 1999, to convene Indigenous Peoples, donors (funders) and foundations to advance partnerships that can improve the lives of Indigenous Peoples globally. IFIP encourages innovation and increased effectiveness within the grant-making community by convening meetings and networks, enabling partnerships and providing practical tools to support funders to engage with Indigenous communities.
J R McKenzie have been members of the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) for the past five years.
IFIP’s Approach To Investing In Indigenous Peoples (The 4 R’s)
RESPECT: Honour tradition and work directly with communities to gain understanding and knowledge about the community, issues and solutions. Go beyond making grants and think about building long-term relationships and self-reliant communities.
RECIPROCITY: Embrace the idea that giving and receiving connect people, beliefs and actions. It is not all about money, and funders also need to be open to receiving.
RESPONSIBILITY: Recognize that Indigenous Peoples should speak for themselves and be responsible for their own voice in meetings, negotiations and on issues. Be familiar with the principles articulated in the UN Declaration of Rights for Indigenous People (UNDRIP) and seek to uphold these when working with Indigenous Peoples and to advance these as goals in this work.
RELATIONSHIPS: Engage with Indigenous communities by understanding the nature of relationships among ancestral cultures, lands and spirituality. Engaging in this way requires long-term commitments and mutual learning. Relationships based on mutual respect eliminate the tendency to exert power over another.
How could the IFIP Pacific Regional Hui benefit your organisation?
Sharing current practice, innovations and success
For the past five and a half years the J R McKenzie Trust has been working to improve its support of Māori development. We have increased the proportion of funding from 3% to 37%, embedding some practices and developing relationships with other funders. We are exploring ways of strengthening these relationships and promoting benefits.
2017 A rare opportunity for funders/donors Indigenous leaders and organisations
To meet together in a small indigenous Māori community, which initiated an Iwi/Tribal Development Strategy 31 years ago. Come witness the changes, experience the surroundings, meet amazing people (you of course are one of them) and be immersed in the line-up of inspirational speakers.
What is the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP)?
A global donor affinity group, started in 1999, to convene Indigenous Peoples, donors (funders) and foundations to advance partnerships that can improve the lives of Indigenous Peoples globally. IFIP encourages innovation and increased effectiveness within the grant-making community by convening meetings and networks, enabling partnerships and providing practical tools to support funders to engage with Indigenous communities.
J R McKenzie have been members of the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) for the past five years.
IFIP’s Approach To Investing In Indigenous Peoples (The 4 R’s)
RESPECT: Honour tradition and work directly with communities to gain understanding and knowledge about the community, issues and solutions. Go beyond making grants and think about building long-term relationships and self-reliant communities.
RECIPROCITY: Embrace the idea that giving and receiving connect people, beliefs and actions. It is not all about money, and funders also need to be open to receiving.
RESPONSIBILITY: Recognize that Indigenous Peoples should speak for themselves and be responsible for their own voice in meetings, negotiations and on issues. Be familiar with the principles articulated in the UN Declaration of Rights for Indigenous People (UNDRIP) and seek to uphold these when working with Indigenous Peoples and to advance these as goals in this work.
RELATIONSHIPS: Engage with Indigenous communities by understanding the nature of relationships among ancestral cultures, lands and spirituality. Engaging in this way requires long-term commitments and mutual learning. Relationships based on mutual respect eliminate the tendency to exert power over another.
How could the IFIP Pacific Regional Hui benefit your organisation?
- Showcase your work internationally
- Build alliances and relationships with national and international funders
- Hear about indigenous development
- How to work and engage with indigenous peoples
- and much more

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