GCMAS 2013 Annual Conference
We are pleased to offer the following tutorial sessions on Tuesday, May 14. These sessions will provide insight into clinical and technical questions that are of particular interest to the society. Registration for tutorial sessions is available at reduced rates for GCMAS members and at no cost for student and trainee attendees.

Induced Acceleration Analysis for Everyone
Art Kuo, Ph.D.
University of Michigan

Practitioners of gait analysis have long sought a means to decode the intent and effect of the muscle activation pattern. If one muscle’s effect could be considered independent of the others, it might facilitate better surgical procedures, orthosis prescriptions, or rehabilitation regimes. One of the prominent methods today is induced acceleration analysis, which decomposes a muscle or joint’s effects into accelerations in body joints and other relevant variables. But a drawback of induced acceleration analysis is its complexity. Few researchers understand it, and its mystery also hinders insight. This tutorial will present induced acceleration analysis in an intuitive, more accessible manner. It will describe the analytical basis, provide examples of calculations that can be made on pencil and paper to study simple effects, and offer approaches for interpreting the analytical results.
Click here to download slides in PDF format

Biomechanical Models for Gait Analysis – Which One Should We Choose?
Richard Baker, Ph.D.
University of Salford-Manchester

For many years the conventional gait model (CGM) has dominated in clinical gait analysis. Over recent years, however, a much greater variety of biomechanical models have been proposed. At the same time an increasing emphasis on clinical governance requires clinical services to make evidence based decisions on which models to implement. There has been little consideration of what characteristics make a model suitable for clinical implementation. This tutorial proposes a framework for assessing biomechanical models on the basis of Definition, Calibration, Outputs, Variants, and Validation. It will present a description of the Convention Gait Model within this framework and then use the same framework to examine similarities and differences with other models.

Slides from Dr. Baker's presentation are available for download at http://wwrichard.net/presentations.

Indications and Explicit Guidance for Soft Tissue Surgery Using Gait Analysis
Tom Novacheck, MD; Jean Stout, PT, MS; Adam Rozumalski, MS; Michael Schwartz, Ph.D.
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

The translation of gait-analysis findings into an explicit clinical treatment plan has been difficult for many clinicians to implement. This course is designed to bridge the gap of understanding for decisions related to psoas, hamstring and gastrocnemius lengthening procedures to alleviate contractures that compromise gait. Drawing from previous research, biomechanical models (muscle lengths/velocities), new mathematical classification methods (random forest algorithm), and clinical experience, a method for surgical planning will be illustrated. Specific indications and contraindications for each procedure based on data gathered in a gait analysis center will be described. Surgical techniques will be explicitly described (including intraoperative videos). Limitations of current surgical techniques and goals for future steps to improve the translation of gait analysis and techniques into the surgery will be discussed. Case examples will illustrate both favorable and adverse outcomes. Techniques for assessing outcomes of intervention will be presented which will further reinforce the knowledge incorporated into surgical decision making and problem-centric gait reporting.

Commission for Motion Laboratory Accreditation (CMLA)
Accreditation Workshop at GCMAS 2013
Wednesday, May 15 at 12:00pm

CMLA is the only independent clinical motion laboratory accreditation organization in the western hemisphere, and annually at the GCMAS meeting we provide an update on the accreditation process and a workshop for those interested in submitting an application for accreditation. During this one hour session, members of the CMLA Board of Directors and the GCMAS representatives to CMLA will provide an overview of the accreditation process, a detailed explanation of the accreditation application and how it is reviewed, an introduction to the CMLA website including instructions for submitting an application, and additional information of interest to GCMAS members who might seek accreditation for their facilities. The workshop format is intended to be informal, with members of the CMLA Board of Directors available to answer general and specific questions regarding your application. Anyone who is interested in this topic is welcome to attend, but for those who intend to submit an application in the near future it is strongly encouraged. There is no charge for the workshop, but you must register for the session in advance due to limited seating. If an attendee is interested in having a box lunch provided during the session they must sign-up in advance and pay GCMAS for the privilege during registration. For more information on CMLA and the accreditation process, please visit the CMLA website at www.CMLAinc.org.