Advanced Bonding: An In-Depth Look at the Bonding Process
You Can Earn CEU Credits, too.
Course Objective
To increase your understanding of the corrugated bonding process, including:
Who Should Attend
- Factors and variables that impact bond performance
- Quality checks
- How to read the board to determine proper bonding settings
- Glue line analysis
- Combined board caliber
- Process Centerlining
Who Should Attend
Anyone wanting to improve their knowledge on the bonding process should attend, including
Corrugator Supervisors and Operators, Maintenance personnel, and product quality control personnel.
What You Will Learn
After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify and List variables that impact bond quality
- Explain why glue line width for each flute impacts bond quality
- Preform a center rip bond test and analyze results (how to read a board)
- List all factors that determine starch placement of flute tip
- Increased process trouble shooting skills
Download a printable 2014 Course Schedule planned for this course.
You Can Earn CEU Credits, too.
Seven and a half(7.5) Professional Development Hours or .75 CEUs are awarded for completion of this course.
The Education Project Center of TAPPI has been reviewed and approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1620 I Street, NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20006. TAPPI will award CEU credits to participants who attend at least 80 percent of the educational sessions and complete a final program evaluation.