Foams 2018

Michael Reedy Scholarships

The Society of Plastics Engineers’ Thermoplastic Materials & Foams Division (SPE TPM&F) is offering two student scholarships for students in plastics/foams area.

Two $500 scholarships are offered for selected undergraduate/graduate students attending the FOAMS®2018 Conference (Sept. 13–14, 2018) in Montreal, Canada. The scholarships, named in memory of our former board director Michael Reedy, are sponsored by Reedy International.

Application deadline extended: August 10, 2018!

Send application to Dr. Kimberly McLoughlin (, including:

  1. One-page statement of your qualifications, educational and career goals in the plastics/foams industry.
  2. One or preferably two support letters from academic or professional individuals.
  3. High school and/or college transcript for the past 2 yrs.
  4. A list of relevant school activities, community activities, and honors.