HEPiX 2019
Current number of attendees: 88
(updated as of March 22, 2019) 
First Name Last Name Company/ Institution
Martin Adam Nuclear Physics Institute CAS
Jeffrey Altman AuriStor, Inc.
Karl Amrhein SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Rob Appleyard STFC
Garhan Attebury Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jahson Babel CC-IN2P3/CNRS
Balazs Bago MTA Wigner RCP
Shunxing Bao Vanderbilt University
Quentin Barrand CERN
Martin Bly UKRI-STFC
Enrico Bocchi CERN
Daria Phoebe Brashear AuriStor, Inc.
Justin Bussery CC-IN2P3/CNRS
Amy Cannon Omnibond Systems
Andrea Chierici INFN
Jirio Chudoba FZU Prague
David Cohen Technion- Israel Institute of Technology
Dino Conciatore CSCS
Renata Dart SLAC Natl Accelerator Laboratory
Diego Davila SDSC, UC San Diego
Jeff Dost UC San Diego
Andrei Dumitru CERN
Marcus Ebert University of Victoria
Edgar Fajardo Hernandez SDSC, UC San Diego
Martin Gasthuber DESY
Jim Gerry IBM / HPSS
Robert Hancock Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dave Hiatt WekaIO
Go Iwai KEK
Bo Jayatilaka Fermilab
Michel Jouvin CNRS/LAL
Marty Kandes San Diego Supercomputer Center
Tomoe Kishimoto Univ. of Tokyo
Paul Kuipers Nikhef
Ben Kulbertis University of Utah
Michal Kwiatek CERN
Tomas Lindén Helsinki Institute of Physics
Milos Lokajicek Institute of Physics, CAS, Prague
Stefan Lueders CERN
Marco Mascheronie UC San Diego
Andrew May SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Shawn McKee University of Michigan
Benjeman Meekhof University of Michigan
Michael Meffie Sine Nomine Associates
Helge Meinhard CERN
Michele Michelotto infn
Ajit Mohapatra UW-Madison
Belmiro Moreira CERN
Piotr Mrowczynski CERN
Steven Murray CERN
Tomoaki Nakamura KEK
Matt Ninesling Spectra Logic
Ramin Norsat IBM HPSS
Gregory Parker Entonos
Gabor Peto MTA Wigner RCP
Andreas Petzold KIT
Sandra Philpott Jefferson Lab
Duncan Prindle University of Washington
Szilvia Racz MTA Wigner RCP
Ghita Rahal CNRS/IN2P3
Tejas Rao Brookhaven National Laboratory
John Riley Teradactyl LLC.
Ofer Rind Brookhaven National Laboratory
Thomas Roth GSI
Vladimir Sapunenko INFN
Andrea Sciaba CERN
Gerry Seidman AuriStor, Inc.
Rolf Seuster University of Victoria
Igor Sfiligoi UC San Diego
William Strecker-Kellogg Brookhaven National Lab
Tristan Suerink NIKHEF
Jan Erik Sundermann KIT
Frederic Suter CNRS/ CC-IN2P3
Alan Tackett Vanderbilt University
James Thorne Diamond Light Source
Peter Van der Reest Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Bart Van der Wal Nikhef
Dennis Van Dok Nikhef
Petr Vokac Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Andy Watson WekaIO, Inc.
Kris Webb Teradactyl LLC.
Cary Whitney LBNL/NERSC
Boyd Wilson Omnibond Systems
Tony Wong Brookhaven National Labortory
Wenjing Wu University of Michigan
Frank Wuerthwein SDSC, UC San Diego
Alexandr Zaytsev Brookhaven National Laboratory