(This event is accredited by Singapore Nursing Board for 4 CPE points)
Program Knowledge Partners
In partnership with the Singapore Nurses Association –
Nursing Informatics Chapter, HIMSS Asia Pacific will be delivering a Smart Nursing Competency Program for this first time in Singapore.
Health Information Technology: Where Do Nurses Fit In?
Being in the front line and oftentimes the patient's main caregiver, nurses are responsible for delivering the best care by making use of the right information.
Today, all nurses employ information technologies in their practice to assess, understand and treat their patients - the nursing profession has evolved into an information-based profession that provides quality healthcare and that it is technology that helps bring all information to the point of care.
As users of electronic patient care devices and systems, it is mandatory for nurses at all levels - nurse executives, managers and clinical nurses, to be empowered and equipped with the necessary competencies and skill sets to leverage information technology for safer and more efficient delivery of care.
In this workshop, we will bring together nursing C-suites and managers, nurse educators, clinical nurses and nursing informatics professionals to prepare and equip our nursing workforce with skills to improve nursing workflows, digital fluency and provide care in the best interests of their patients.
Key Focus Areas and Learning Objectives:
- Introduction to healthcare transformation and nursing specialty profession now known as nursing informatics
- Nursing Informatics' role in IT renovation and influencing transformation in healthcare delivery
- Collaboration between nursing, other health specialties and IT
- Implementing EHR using project management strategies
- Health IT challenges and respective solutions provided by nursing informatics
- Career progression for nursing informatics professionals
Who Should Attend?
- Staff/Senior Staff and Chief Nurses
- Nurse Managers/Clinicians and Educators
- Nursing Senior Management
- Nursing Informatics/Nursing Informatics Champions
- Nursing School Faculties/Students
- Healthcare IT professionals involved with Nursing Informatics

Prof. Nick Hardiker, RN, PhD, FACMI
Professor of Nursing and Health Informatics;
Associate Dean (Research & Innovation)
School of Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work & Social Sciences
University of Salford, UK
Consultant, ICNP Programme, International Council of Nurses |

| Dr. Evelyn Hovenga, RN, PhD, FACS, FACHI, FACN
CEO & Director, eHealth Education Managing Director, Global eHealth Collaborative Australia |

| Michael Draheim
Chief Information Officer, Metro South Health; Adjunct Professor, University of Queensland Australia |

Kit Sumabat, RN, CPHIMS
Founding President, Philippine Nursing Informatics Association
Philippines |
Workshop Committee
An Xing Hui | Chia Soon Noi
Janet Maria Sengalrayan
Ng Gaik Nai
Assistant Nurse Clinician (Nursing Informatics), National University Hospital, Singapore | Deputy Director, Nursing Informatics KK Women's & Children's Hospital, Singapore |
Nurse Educator, Nursing Informatics, KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore |
Chief Nurse, KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore |
| | | |  |  |  | | Qi Zhe Gang | Toh Seow Mei | Shiji D/O Kuttan | | Nurse Manager (Informatics) Institute of Mental Health,Singapore | Senior Nurse Clinician, Nursing Administration (Nursing Informatics), National University Hospital, Singapore | Senior Nurse Educator, Nursing Training & Development, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, JurongHealth Services, Singapore |
| | | 08:30 - 09:00 | Registration and Coffee | 09:00 - 09:30 | Introduction to Nursing Informatics and Status of Nursing Informatics in the Region [More Info] Dr. Evelyn Hovenga, CEO & Director, eHealth Education; Managing Director, Global eHealth Collaborative, Australia | 09:30 - 10:00 | Role and Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics [More Info] Dr. Evelyn Hovenga, CEO & Director, eHealth Education; Managing Director, Global eHealth Collaborative, Australia
- Principles of NI
- Outline of skills and knowledge required
| 10:00 - 10:45 | Nursing Informatics and IT in a Hospital Environment [More Info] Michael Draheim, Chief Information Officer, Metro South Health, Australia
- Identify differences and roles between NI and IT
- Understand the role of individual team members in an IT team
- Bridging the gap between NI, other health specialties and IT
| 10:45 - 11:00 | Tea Break | 11:00 - 12:00 | Project Management [More Info] Kit Sumabat, Founding President, Philippine Nursing Informatics Association, Phillipines
Healthcare information system projects are often met with resistance, failures and frustrations. The complexity of the healthcare environment, its players, different technologies and cost all contribute to the dynamics of small to large-scale projects which determines it's success of failure. This session will discuss the different dimensions which determines project success in the healthcare environment and some practical tools and techniques to improve the project outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, the participants should be able to:
- Understand what makes a successful project
- Identify the composition of a good project team
- Appreciate Agile and iterative project management methodology
- Know how to effectively communicate project outcomes
- Understand the key concepts in the context of how a hospital analytics project was implemented
- What is a project?
- What makes a successful project?
- The project team and the role of nurse
- Iterative project management
- Agile project management
- Communicating success
- Case study: Project management for hospital analytics implementation
| 12:00 - 12:45 | Essential Standards and Terminologies for Nurses [More Info] Prof. Nick Hardiker RN, PhD, FACMI, Consultant, ICNP Programme, International Council of Nurses, Professor of Nursing and Health Informatics, University of Salford, UK
Healthcare is information intensive. In many settings, natural language remains the major currency for health information. While speech and text is familiar and expressive, its inherent flexibility makes it difficult to analyze, manipulate and reuse beyond the immediate clinical encounter. To facilitate multiple use of health information and to make optimal use of health information technology, work has been ongoing for several decades on the development of terminologies that can support nursing practice and associated technical standards to embed these terminologies in a range of applications. This interactive session will give practical experience of some of the challenges faced by terminology developers and will encourage participants to consider together issues around their implementation and use.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Appreciate the characteristics of clinical information
- Understand how terminologies are constructed
- Know how to assess the relative merits of different terminologies
- Appreciate the challenges and rewards of integrating terminologies with nursing practice
- Knowing the contribution of nursing
- Building terminologies to support practice
- Recognizing a good terminology
- Making terminologies work for you
| 12:45 - 13:45 | Networking Lunch | 13:45 - 14:30 | Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: Making Use of Terminologies, EHRs, CDS for Decision Making [More Info] Prof. Nick Hardiker RN, PhD, FACMI, Consultant, ICNP Programme, International Council of Nurses, Professor of Nursing and Health Informatics, University of Salford, UK
Evidence-based practice seeks to make nursing more 'scientific' in order to provide safe, consistent, cost effective care. There have been a number of significant achievements over the past 25 years. However, evidence-based practice has recently come under fire for noit reflecting the complexities of contemporary healthcare practice. Health information technology remains under-researched although, while its contribution to evidence-based practice remains unclear, a number of studies have demonstrated encouraging results. This interactive session will encourage participants to consider together some of the possible ways in which health information technology can re-frame evidence-based practice to better support today's nurses and those they care for.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Understand the benefits and problems with evidence-based practice
- Appreciate the emerging evidence around the usefulness of health information technology
- Reinterpret evidence-based practice for contemporary healthcare
- Predict how health information technology might contribute to the future of nursing
- Understanding evidence-based practice
- Challenges of contemporary nursing practice
- Evidence-based informatics
- The future nurse
| 14:30 - 15:15 | Nursing Health IT User Experience (UX) [More Info] Dr. Evelyn Hovenga, CEO & Director, eHealth Education; Managing Director, Global eHealth Collaborative, Australia
- Discuss health IT UX challenges for nurses
- Best practices for including nursing perspective in health IT design and implementation
- Define concrete actions nurses can take to improve a nurse's UX
| 15:15 - 15:45 | Tea Break | 15:45 - 16:15 | Career Development [More Info] Dr. Tracy Carol Ayre, Group Chief Nurse, SingHealth, Singapore
- Career progression for NI professionals
- Clinical nurses interested in NI: How to get started?
| 16:15 - 16:45 | Nursing Experience in a Greenfield Digital Hospital [More Info] Kuttiammal Sundarasan, Chief Nurse, JurongHealth Campus (NTFGH & JCH), NUHS, Singapore | 16:45 - 17:15 | Facilitated Discussion |