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David Currow on
Fit for the Future
Australian palliative care is well placed to be 'fit for the future' but is going to require continued work with the community, funders and policy makers to ensure that we are delivering the care that we know is possible, according to Professor David Currow.
Professor Currow is Professor of Palliative and Supportive Services at Flinders University in Adelaide and says Australia ranks well internationally. The Economist Intelligence Unit report demonstrates the fantastic coverage, availability and affordability of palliative care in Australia.
He says Australia leads the world with the only national, point-of-care data collection system to systematically improve service delivery and also host the world's largest phase III clinical trials collaborative in palliative care.
"Extraordinary opportunities exist in continuing to build a program of work that better engages the community and our clinical colleagues. Importantly at a policy level, Australia does not limit access by either diagnosis or prognosis and we need to continue that focus if we are to deliver the best possible outcomes."
Professor Currow will be taking part in a panel discussion and giving a presentation at Palliative Care Australia's conference.
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