The 13th Australian Palliative Care Conference 2015

Presentations from Thursday Morning

Session Name Speakers
B1.1 B1.1 - General Practitioners' experience of bereavement care Moira O'Connor
B1.2 B1.2 - Bereavement risk assessment in palliative care: The development of a brief grief measure to screen for carers who may be at risk of complex grief. Margaret Sealey
B1.3 B1.3 - Building community capacity in bereavement support: Lessons learnt from bereaved caregivers Lauren Breen
B1.4 B1.4 - Setting up Vale (vah-lay) Jacqueline Taylor
B2.1 B2.1 - The support needs of terminally ill people living alone at home: a narrative review Lauren Breen
B2.2 B2.2 - One short story, one big question: how do we provide quality palliative care for those living with disability in the group home setting? Sarah Coulson
B2.3 B2.3 - Motoring On-improving quality of life for MND patients & Caregivers Roslyn Savage
B2.4 B2.4 - Advance Care Planning for People Living with Disability:  “Hear my Voice.” Jacqui Pierce
B3.1 B3.1 - Delivering Dignity with Technology Scott Martin
B3.2 B3.2 - Demystifying social media for palliative care clinicians Anna Collins
B4.1 B4.1 - Early integration of palliative care - possibilities and challenges Jennifer Philip
B4.2 B4.2 - Exploring differences in communication between patients, the family caregiver & healthcare professionals in an outpatient psychosocial clinic setting Kate Swetenham
B4.3 B4.3 - Palliative care staff views about a change to a model of early integration of specialist palliative care: Work-life and organisational implications Natasha Michael
B4.4 B4.4 - How do you prepare a workforce to function effectively in the context of ‘Death, Death, Death, Death, Politics, Politics, Politics, Death’? Kath Skinner
B5.1 B5.1 - Palliative Care Nursing Education in Poorly Resourced Nations: honoring diversity Joan Ryan
B5.2 B5.2 - Survey of nurses’ opinions about end of life care at a tertiary metropolitan hospital Juli Moran
B5.3 B5.3 - The effectiveness and cost of providing a nurse practitioner palliative care service in an aged care setting: A pilot study Deborah Parker
B5.4 B5.4 - Development of an education and competency framework for health care assistants at Mary Potter Hospice, Wellington, NZ. Lynley Batson
B6.1 B6.1 - Hospice and Palliative Medicine Online: moving from clutter and confusion to chatter and curation Christian Sinclair
B6.2 B6.2 - The development of Palliative Sedation Guidelines (PST): An exploration of futility, complex refractory symptoms, suffering and management with PST Peter Allcroft