Portfolio of Journals

AOM Journals Workshops: Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies marks the first time the Academy’s six journals are featured within a specialized conference initiative. The journal sessions kick off with an introductory plenary session on publishing, followed by two sets of interactive breakout paper development workshops presented by the journals’ editorial teams.

The journal workshops offer attendees the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the AOM publishing portfolio. These workshops are especially helpful for first-time authors looking to advance their publishing possibilities.

  • Meet AOM editors and gain an in-depth understanding of AOM’s journal portfolio
  • Learn what makes AOM’s portfolio of journals unique and how they support the research conducted within the various management disciplines
  • Receive expert advice about AOM’s publication process, submission guidelines, journal workflows and editorial decision processes
  • Receive guidance in the development of manuscripts for submission to an Academy journal
  • Learn how to become an active member in AOM’s community of journal scholars

Journal Workshop Details

AOM Journal Workshops are held Wednesday, 23 October and are open to all registered conference attendees.
*AMD, AMP, and ANNALS Attendees may bring their ideas for potential discussion with the editors to their breakout sessions. 

AOM Journals Plenary Session 8:00-9:30 Festival Hall A 

AOM Journals Professional Development Breakout Sessions 9:30-12:30 

Breakout Session 1 (pick one journal workshop) 9:30-11:00 

  • Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) Festival Hall A*

  • Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) Festival Hall Breakout Room C 

  • Academy of Management Review (AMR) Festival Hall Breakout Room B 

Breakout Session 2 (pick one journal workshop) 11:00-12:30

  • Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) Festival Hall A 

  • Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) Festival Hall Breakout Room C* 

  • Academy of Management Annals (ANNALS) Festival Hall Breakout Room B*