Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Theory - probability theory, bayesian inference, nonlinear estimation, Dempster-Shafer, fuzzy sets, logic, machine learning, neural networks, distributed architectures,
- Sensors - RGB and depth cameras, radar and sonar, laser scanner, infrared sensors, IMU,
- Algorithms - tracking and localization, SLAM, perception, AI in robotics, cognitive systems, sensor registration, big data, sensor management, distributed sensor systems, recognition, visual serving, learning by demonstration,
- Applications - sensor networks, multi-robot systems, distributed and cloud robotics, bio-inspired systems, service robots, automation, biomedical applications, autonomous vehicles (land, sea, air), navigation, Internet-of-Things, smart cities, cyber-physical systems, Industry 4.0, search/rescue/audition, field and swarm robotics, force and tactile sensing.