Agenda Changes
Friday, January 31
SAT - Otter Walk, updated description
FRI & SAT - updated descriptions for the Watershed Report Card Sessions
SAT - 3pm added the 25th Anniversary Celebration - Free, RSVP event
SAT - Supporting Conservation Otter by Otter, PRICE CHANGE now $15
Tuesday, January 28
FRI - Geology Presentation description added along with Zeke's bio
BIOS - updated for Benjy Duke & Joanne Oellers & Joy Winckler
--------------------Everything below is before 9:30pm-----------------------
DATE CHANGE - Wings to Wine is now on THU
THU - Sycamore Canyon - Time change, now 6am
FRI & SUN - Both Mingus trips are now $15 than originally stated
SAT - Added Botanical Walk on Lime Kilm Trail with Max Licher
FRI - Added Botanical Walk at Tavasci Marsh with Max Licher
SAT - "A Little Bit of Everything" Price change to $150 (Sorry, that was typo!!!)
FRI - Verde Headwaters, Del Rio Springs & Grasslands - change of times and added description
BIOS - updated bios for Mariah Lundgren & Michael Forsberg
Monday, January 27
FRI - Verde Headwaters, Del Rio Springs & Grasslands (Fri) ADDED - Details still to come
THU - Birds & Breakfast, ending time changed
Nature Walk: Verde River to Lagoon Loop with Arizona Wildlife - DATE CHANGE - now on Sat
THU - Title Change - it is now "Ravens: the birds who watch you back"
THU - Birds & Breakfast - title change for Becky Hardy's talk
FRI - All things Raptor talk changed to Vultures are Vital - same speaker
THU - Birds & Breakfast - description change for Alice Madar's talk
FRI - Keynote Banquet Description changed!!!!!!
SAT - Using Art for Conservation - description added
FRI - Nature Walk: Verde River Loop to Lagoons with AZ Wildlife - map added to description
SUN - Guide change - Becky Hary will not be on the Jail Trail trip, but is now on the Raptor Trip
SAT - A little bit of everything with Julie, Tori and TIm - Price change, description change
SAT - Paint a Cardinal in watercolors with Sandy - change of time
FRI - Change in time and description for Paint an Owl in Acrylics with Joyful Art
Sunday, January 26
SUN - time change for Chuckwalla Drive field trip
Susan Drown - added headshot and bio
THU - Cottonwood Gardens - there are now two gardens (description updated) & Time Change!
FRI - Added the Pronghorns and Grasslands trip - still waiting on description
FRI - Times, description and location all updated for the Summers Spring with SSI field trip
SAT - Added the Dark Sky Photography trip with details
SAT - Added Janie Ward Langley as guide for Dusk Birding on Jail Trail
SAT - Added the Otter Walk with Megan from River Ecology Project
SAT - Added more details for the free viewing of "Under the Wire"
FRI - Added price and a bit more information to the Landscape Photography Trip
FRI - price established for the Summers Springs trip with SSI
FRI - Corrected pricing for the Sedona Gardens Tour
THU - Meeting location determined for Dusk Birding
THU - fee clarified for Rainwater Harvesting - it is free
THU - Added an optional lunch to the Watson & WIllow Lakes Trip (see description) & Guide assigned
THU - Added Tim Weber as guide to Tres Brisas Trip
FRI - Added Presentation by the International Raptor & Falconry Center (new title and description added 4:09pm
THU - Added Presentation: Ravens that have your back with Emily Faun Cory
FRI - Added a required portion of Dark Sky Presentation for Dark Sky Trip Participants
Saturday, January 25
SAT - Added Otter Presentation
SAT - updated the description for the Birds & Butterflies in Page Springs Gardens
FRI - Added a nature walk with Arizona Wildlife
THU - Updated details and panelists for the "Under the Wire" showing
SAT - updated details for the Paint a cardinal in watercolors with Sandy
Moved tips section from home page onto it's own webpage under "Other" menu
Friday, January 24
SAT - Added Presentation: Dark Sky Photography with Kevin Floerke
SAT - added location for the Watershed Report Card event
THU - added location for Watershed Report Card event
THU - Added location for the "Under the Wire" presentation (Pronghorns)
THU - Added Presentation: Advanced Bird ID: Warblers with Homer Hansen
SAT - Added Presentation: Advanced Bird ID: Raptors with Homer Hansen
SAT - Added Presentation: Using Art for Conservation with Walt Anderson
SAT - Added Presentation: Myths, Tall Tales and True Facts (about birds)
FRI - Added Presentation on Advanced Bird ID: Flycatchers with Homer Hansen
FRI - Added Presentation: Bats
FRI - Added Presentation: Geology of the Verde Valley, AZ
FRI - Added Field Trip to Summers Spring with SSI
THU - Added Presentation: The Springs of Arizona: Hidden Jewels of Bio-cultural Diversity
SAT - Added Paint a Cardinal in Watercolors with Sandy
FRI - Added Paint an Owl in Acrylics with Joyful Art
THU - Location change for the Three Breakfast Combo
SAT - Free Event added - 2nd showing of "Under the Wire" Pronghorn movie (no panel, short family oriented talks)
T-Shirts page added to the "Other Menu"
HOME page updated with a bit more info
SAT - Birds & Butterflies in Page Springs Gardens - has had the description updated
THU - Added the Keynote Field Trip with Julie
SUN - Added the Chuckwalla Trip
Thursday, January 23
FRI - Added "Birds, Blooms, & Butterflies" Field Trip (New in 2025)
Updated Julie Zickefoose bio and headshot, as well as Speakers/Guides Page
SAT - updated time and title for the garden tour in Page Springs
THU - updated description for Beginning Birding with Eric Moore
Tuesday, January 21
FRI - Addition of Watershed Report Card Seminar - Free
FRI - Addition of Summers Spring trip with Larry Stevens
FRI - Addiiton of Armchair Birding
FRI - Addition of Landscape & Nature Photography with Kevin Flourke
FRI - Addition of Keynote Banquet with Julie Zickefoose
Friday, January 17
All Thursday/Friday trips updated, partial Saturday trips updated
Monday, January 13
THU - Addition of our Birds & Breakfasts Program
THU - Beginning Birding & Optics have time changes
Sunday, January 12
Changed Home Page Banner Image
THU - added a dusk birding trip on the Jail Trail - no food
THU - added in "Under the Wire" pronghorn film event at 4pm
THU - added Rain Harvesting trip at 8:30am
Saturday, January 11
Saturday Agenda - Is complete to our knowledge!
Sunday - Partial items added
Friday, January 10
Friday - partial agenda items added
Thursday, Jauary 9
Saturday - partial agenda items added
Wednesday January 8
Thursday agenda items added
Partial Friday agenda items added