3/21/25 Check Your Lawmaker Meetings Registration ASAP!
*Not Sure Who Your Lawmakers Are?
You can visit our Find Your Lawmakers page and enter your home or your business address.
To find your lawmakers by county, visit the CA Assembly and CA Senate websites, and follow instructions for locating by county.
April 3rd, 12-1:30 PM is our Get Ready to Advocate! Virtual Rally during Arts, Culture & Creativity Month Register Here
STEP 1: Find Your Lawmaker here and decide what meetings you’d like to attend. For more information on areas they serve: CA Assembly | CA Senate
STEP 2: Click the Register button and select the lawmakers you will be meeting with. If you’re signing up on behalf of a group of advocates of more than 2 people: contact jennica@caforthearts.org
STEP 3: Captains will schedule meetings and your agenda will be updated with meetings times and locations
Whether you are a Captain or Advocate, we make it fun and easy to have a great day and make a difference!
Lawmakers prefer to meet with their actual constituents, so start with Find Your Lawmakers and enter your home and business address to see who your state representatives are.
You also represent a regional constituency, so follow the instructions on the Find Your Lawmakers page to find other reps serving your region.
Advocacy Day Captains are critical to the success of the day!
Why Captain?
To Register as Captain
Select the Arts Advocacy Day Captain category and pick the subcategory that applies to you. For example, Advocacy Day Captain Discount, Advocacy Day Captain only - Free, etc. If you are a $250 member you are also eligible for discount tickets - return to the registration page to get your ticket.
Activate State Lawmakers Toolkit | Recording | Download Toolkit | Related Resources
Office Hours 12-1 PM | Mar 28, Apr 4, Apr 11 | Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 402 547 4784
To see who signed up for a meeting: Visit the Arts Advocacy Day Agenda, click on the orange "i" icon next to the lawmaker name, then click on "Click here to see who is registered for this session."
Feb 28: Start scheduling your Lawmaker meetings (as soon as your Captain assignments are confirmed. Contact lists and email templates provided. See above toolkit for tips)
Apr 1: Policy Priorities, Talking Points, Leave Behind Packet available
Apr 4-20: Prepare your group (Talking Points and Related Resources will be provided here).
Apr 11: Goal date to book meetings with Lawmaker offices. Submit Booked Meetings here.
Apr 18: Last day for last minute Lawmaker Meeting time changes. Submit Booked Meetings form. After this day, any meeting time changes from Lawmaker offices are up to your schedule. Contact advocates with changes and they will need to update their schedules (more info TBA). Contact action@caforthearts.org with the change, or if you decided to cancel due to scheduling conflicts.
Apr 23: Facilitate your Lawmaker meeting(s) on Arts Advocacy Day! Day of meeting schedule changes: communicate with your advocates. More Day Of information TBA.
Apr 25-28: Send Lawmaker Offices Thank You Email. For new Lawmakers, aim to send by Apr 25 to keep the new relationship momentum going.
Apr 30: Submit Captain's Report
An energizing Rally with speakers, performances, kicking us off for the day!
Engaging meetings with Lawmakers or staff (meetings with staff will be just as effective).
Meetings up to 30min - may be shortened or led away from initial plan
Connecting with Lawmakers or staff to build relationships. They love meeting with folks from their district!
Sharing personal stories relevant to talking points and policy priorities provided by CA Arts Advocates
Taking photos at meetings to share on socials and thank legislators after
Wear GREEN to unify our visibility! Business casual with comfortable shoes suggested
Mark your calendar to stay updated on all things Advocacy Day!
FEB 20 @ 12-1:30pm ➜ Captains Training: Activate State Lawmakers Toolkit Webinar
MAR 1 ➜ Captains: Start Scheduling Lawmakers Meetings
APR 3 @ 12-1:30pm 1 ➜ Webinar: Get Ready to Advocate to the State Virtual Rally! | Register Here
APR 7-11 ➜ Captains contact Advocates to schedule prep meeting
APR 11 ➜ Captains: Goal Date to Set Meetings with Lawmaker Offices
APR 18 ➜ Captains: Deadline for Last Minute Lawmaker Meeting Schedule Changes
APR 23 ➜ Arts Advocacy Day at the Capitol!
APR 30 ➜ Captains: Arts Advocacy Day Reports Due
* Advocates registering after April 4th will have the opportunity to drop off Arts Advocacy packets at their Lawmaker offices - still fun and rewarding!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4025474784
Meeting ID: 402 547 4784
Drop In with your questions about being a Captain, Advocate, Advocacy Day, etc.!
JAN 23, 12 - 1:30pm Activate ACCM Local Toolkit | View Recording Here
FEB 20, 12 - 1:30pm Activate State Lawmakers Toolkit | View Recording Here
MAR 20, 12 - 1:30pm Activate the Public Toolkit | Register Here
APR 3, 12 - 1:30pm Get Ready to Advocate! Virtual Rally | Register Here