Poster sessions represent an important method of exchanging scientific information and findings from the latest research studies - and CPS is committed to providing this opportunity as part of the CPS Annual Conference 2025.
Poster presentations feature displays by authors of scientific research papers and will include a pictorial summary of the author's research. The "Author Presentation" time slots provide an opportunity for attendees to meet and interact with the authors. Clinical case reports and resident advocacy projects will also be featured.
Thursday, May 29
Poster viewing: | 0800-1730 |
Author presentations: |
0800-0900 1030-1100 1545-1615 |
Friday, May 30
Poster viewing: | 0800-1730 |
Author presentations: |
0800-0900 1030-1100 1545-1615 |
Please refer to the conference app for specific posters.
CPS expresses its sincere appreciation to Empowering Next Generation Researchers in Perinatal and Child Health (ENRICH) for their assistance with the review of CPS research abstracts program.