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 Going green: Doing our part for the environment
According to MeetGreen’s research, the average conference attendee produces over 170 kilograms of CO2 emissions per day. A three-day conference for 1000 people creates 5670 kilograms of waste, over half of which will go directly to landfill.
Here are ways we can make a change.
What CPS is doing:
  • We selected the Québec City Convention Centre that promotes sustainable meeting and travel practices.
  • The city of Québec provides public transportation links.
  • We are organizing two Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives in 2025. 
  • Our program and registration is only available digitally through the conference website.
  • The mobile app provides electronic access to session handouts and evaluations, resulting in less paper waste.
  • Signage is either digital or reusable.
  • We’re avoiding bottled water by providing water stations.
  • The Québec City Convention Centre caterer uses locally sourced food options, including plant-based and plant-forward menu items.
  • Food surplus is sent to Lauberivière.  
  • Delegate name tags, badge-holders and bags are from recycled materials.
  • Recycling bins are provided in meeting rooms.
  • Exhibitors are encouraged to bring fewer printed or other “disposable” materials onsite.
 What you can do: 
  • Turn off lights and television when leaving your hotel room.
  • Opt to reuse linen and towels.
  • Use public transportation instead of taxis.
  • Bring your own mug/cup/bottles.
  • Choose not to receive a delegate bag.
  • Use the recycling bins provided.