Volunteer As A Tour Guide

Thank you for being so willing to participate as a Tour Guide for Student Day.  The tour portion takes place from 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM. You are welcome to join us for the duration of the program, which runs approximately from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.  If you will join us for the afternoon only, we ask that you check in at the Student Day desk no later than 11:30 AM. 

To participate as a Tour Guide, you must be registered for ProMat and have a show badge. (Industry Partners only)


  • As a tour guide, you are responsible for making the initial introduction when you visit exhibitors, fielding student/faculty questions, visiting all of your assigned booths, and generally serving as a friendly contact for our academic guests.
  • Students and faculty attending Student Day will be from universities, community colleges, and some high schools who are studying courses related to our industry. Groups will be “mixed” with students attending from different schools. Please encourage them to meet and interact with one another during the tours.
  • About one week before Student Day, Tour Guides will receive their “map” outlining their tour route and designated exhibitors they will be visiting. Please familiarize yourself with your route before the event.

Attendees and Tour Guides are randomly assigned. We are not able to accommodate specific requests for matching schools or students to specific Tour Guides. We thank you for your understanding.

MHI College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education (CICMHE)
8720 Red Oak Blvd., Suite 201  |  Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone: (704) 676-1190
Email: cicmhe@mhi.org | www.cicmhe.org
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