
Sunday Opening Keynote
Eliza VanCort is an author, facilitator, speaker, podcaster and survivor.

She is a student of both the performing arts and political science, a Cornell University Fellow, a bestselling author, a viral TED speaker, one of the top acting coaches in New York, and as thought leader with over 275,000 social media followers. She is a sought after EQ Expert, an expert communication strategist and trainer who helps others stand tall in the challenging world we live in.

March 2, 2025 / 2:45 - 4:30 p.m.
Sponsored by
Partner Energia

Monday Morning Keynote Speakers

Monday, March 3, 2025 / 8:45 - 10:30 a.m.
Sponsored by Partner ESG (Energy Systems Group)

Dr. Raymond


Superintendent of Schools

Public Schools of the Tarrytowns

2025 New York State Superintendent of the Year Award Ceremony



Superintendent of Schools

Farmingdale Union Free
School District

Ignite Speaker: Leading Through Crisis with Empathy and Compassion

Dr. Michael J.


Assistant Superintendent

NERIC, Capital Region BOCES

Ignite Speaker: We Don't Get It (But We Can Try): Building Empathy in Leadership

Dr. Lorna R. Lewis

Superintendent of Schools

Malverne Union Free
School District

Ignite Speaker: Bloom Where You
Are Planted

Tuesday Morning Keynote Speaker

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 / 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Sponsored by Partner Keenan & Associates

Dr. Betty A. Rosa

Commissioner of Education

New York State Education Department


Dr. Jeffrey A.


Senior Deputy Commissioner for Education Policy

New York State Education Department


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Be a part of the action at any of our
supported social sites. #NYSuptsWI



 Questions? CONTACT

P: 518.449.1063 
15 Cornell Road
Latham, NY, 12110

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