Age plus Action is scheduled for June 6 to 8 in Arlington, Virginia.


Presenter Resources


We're here to help you plan and deliver an effective presentation. Explore the resources below. 

Slide Deck Template

Click here to download the slide deck template for presenters.  

Session Types

We are offering these session types at Age+Action. Please find your session type, so you can plan your individual presentation accordingly.


Session Type



Maximum # of Presenters


30 minutes


Deep Dive

60 minutes



60 minutes 

View the poster session guidelines for details



    Presenter Social Media Toolkit

    Promote your participation on social media with these graphics and sample messages. 


    Sample LinkedIn and Facebook Message

    Going to #AgeAction? Catch the session [Presenter 2] from [insert org name handle] and I are doing on [insert your presentation title] on [insert date/time]. Register at


    Sample Twitter Message

    Join me at [insert date/time] at #AgeAction for my session on [insert your presentation title]. Register at


    Common Hashtags

    #AgeWell #OlderAdults #Caregiver #FallsPrevention
    #HealthyLiving #BrainHealth #BoneHealth #Nutrition


    LinkedIn and Facebook Graphic

    I am presenting image for LinkedIn and Facebook

    Twitter Graphic

    I am presenting image



    Creating Presentations for All Audiences 

    We encourage you to ensure your presentations are engaging for all. Discover essential tips for enhancing the usability and reach of your  presentation and slides