Celebrating 50 years of TERRA events
24 May 6pm CET
Virtual Event Description
In the context of the Terra 2022, 13th World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first international colloquium held in Yazd, in 1972, ICOMOS-ISCEAH | International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage is organizing a virtual meeting with most of our honorary members, sharing their experience and knowledge in earthen architectural heritage.
Join us and the five of the ISCEAH honorary members - Anthony Crosby (US), Hubert Guillaud (France), Julio Vargas Neumann (Peru), Mike Taylor (US) and Rasool Vatandoust (Iran) - in an open zoom meeting, to share their insights about the last 50 years of TERRA symposiums, conferences and congresses. The event will be introduced by Teresa Patricio, president of ICOMOS, moderated by Maddalena Achenza & Mariana Correia, current and former president of the International Scientific Committee with the contribution of Pamela Jerome, Amanda Rivera, Julieta Barada and Masoud Nakhaei.
More information:
The Terra 2022 year-long virtual lead-up event series, running from June 2021 to May 2022, presents the richness and diversity of earthen architectural heritage around the world, the individuals and organizations working in the sector, and the communities who care for this heritage and its traditions.
Click here for more information on the Terra 2022 Virtual Lead-Up Events Series.
Click here for more information on Terra 2022 World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage.
Virtual Event Participants
Anthony Crosby (US), ICOMOS ISCEAH Honorary Member
Anthony Crosby, Architectural Conservation LLC. He is a conservation architect with over 40 years of experience in the field of mud brick preservation. He is the architect for the conservation of the Shunet el Zabib in Abydos and the palace of Malqata in Luxor and has worked on numerous projects in the Southwest US, South and Central America and the Middle East.
Hubert Guillaud (France), ICOMOS ISCEAH Honorary Member
Hubert Guillaud is a former architecture professor at ENSAG (France). A member of the CRAterre association since 1981, he was co-founder of the CRAterre-ENSAG research laboratory in 1986, which he directed for several years before co-founding the Architecture, Environment and Constructive Cultures (AE&CC) research unit in 2010. With Hugo Houben he published in 1989 the Treaty of Earthen Construction. We also owe him many scientific articles on earthen architecture (history, culture and techniques).
Julio Vargas Neumann (Peru), ICOMOS ISCEAH Honorary Member
Julio Vargas Neumann, engineer, Emeritus professor at Catholic University of Peru (First professor nominated in Scientific Technologic Area), researcher on Earthquake resistant constructions, former Vice-Ministry of the Ministry of the Presidency and former Vice Minister of Housing Ministry, Adviser of 5 Prime Ministers in Peru, National Cultural Award in Science and Technology (1985/1986), Former President of ICOMOS – ISCEAH, member of ICOMOS Peru and the Iberoamerica Network of Earthern Architecture PROTERRA, order of merit Ministry of Houding of Peru, Order of Merit at Peruvian Engineer College in Peru.
Mike Taylor (US), ICOMOS ISCEAH Honorary Member
Michael Taylor has been working for the last forty years in historic preservation. His experience includes historic site management, architectural conservation, management of cultural routes, museum/visitor center management and archaeological site preservation. In the United States, he served as the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officer in 1994-95, and was the Deputy Director of New Mexico State Monuments from 1995 to 2001. Mr. Taylor earned a masters certificate from the Architectural Conservation Course through ICCROM in Rome, Italy 1987. He has lectured on historic preservation with emphasis on earthen architecture, site management, and cultural routes in Latin America, Europe, and Asia.
Rasool Vatandoust (Iran), ICOMOS ISCEAH Honorary Member
Rasool Vatandoust was the Director of the Research Centre for Conservation of Cultural Relics (RCCCR) in Tehran, an institution he himself founded in 1995, from 1995 to 2009. He also organized the 9th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecure; Yazd, 29th Nov. -2nd Dec. 2003. He is currently teaching at various universities at MA and PhD levels, cooperating with international organisations as well as managing Yadman Science and Conservation Institute. He has closely been cooperating with ICCROM, ICOMOS, UNESCO and ISCEAH throughout his professional career.
Maddalena Acheza (Italy), President ICOMOS ISCEAH
Maddalena Achenza is professor at the University of Cagliari, delegate for the UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Constructive Cultures and Sustainable Development”. Member of national and international scientific committees of Institutions, Associations, Conferences, Foundations. Technical consultant for World Monuments Fund and for the International Association of Earthen Cities, for which she has organized conferences, seminars, workshops and other dissemination and promotional actions on the preservation of traditional materials and construction techniques. Author of a rich collection of publications and articles on the topic of earthen and sustainable architecture.
Mariana Correia (Portugal), Past President ICOMOS ISCEAH
Mariana Correia is Dean of DAMG-Department of Architecture & Multimedia Gallaecia, and Director of CIG Research Centre, at UPT-Portucalense University in Porto, Portugal. She is project-leader of 3DPAST & VERSUS European projects, and of SEISMIC-V FCT project. Correia is an ICOMOS World Heritage Advisor with missions in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia. She has been a World Heritage instructor for UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM, IUCN, AWHF, and ARC-WH. She served as President of ICOMOS-ISCEAH (2018–20) and is now a board member, PROTERRA coordinator (2011–14), and Earthen Architecture UNESCO Chair partner. She is President of the Advisory Committee of ICOMOS-Portugal.
Pamela Jerome (US), Secretary-General ICOMOS ISCEAH
Pamela Jerome, FAIA, LEED AP, FAPT, F.US/ICOMOS is a preservation architect with over forty years of experience. She is President of Architectural Preservation Studio, DPC, a New York–based architecture and preservation firm. She is Treasurer for the international board of ICOMOS and Secretary-General of ICOMOS ISCEAH. She has consulted on cultural properties in the United States, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea region, the Middle East, and the Far East.
Amanda Rivera (Chile), Vice-President ICOMOS ISCEAH
Amanda Rivera is engaged in research, teaching and practical work on earthen, vernacular, traditional and historical architecture and technologies. Architect from the University of Bío-Bío (Chile), Earthen Architecture Post-Graduate Diploma at the CRATerre-ENSAG laboratory (France), Master in Cultural Heritage at the Catholic University of Chile and PhD candidate at the University of Cagliari (Italy). Member of the PROTERRA, ICOMOS-Chile, expert member of ICOMOS CIAV and Vice-President of ISCEAH-ICOMOS.
Julieta Barada (Argentina), EP representative ICOMOS ISCEAH
Julieta Barada. Architect from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Master in Social Anthropology IDES-IDAES-UNSAM and PhD in Geography at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Researcher in the Laboratory of Andean Architectures and Earthen Construction, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). Professor of the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. EP Representative Member of ISCEAH-ICOMOS. She works on earthen housing and heritage conservation.
Masoud Nakhaei (Iran), ICOMOS-ISCEAH chair of Archeology
Masoud Nakhaei, master of cultural heritage conservation at the Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch (Iran), specialized in earthen archaeological sites conservation. He was head of Earthen Heritage conservation in the Pasargadae WHS (2016-2022), the consultant of Earthen Heritage projects and disaster risk management in the Persepolis WHS (2018-2022) as well as assistant manager and conservation expert in Tchogha Zanbil WHS (2011 to 2015). Currently, he is a Chair of the archaeology sub-committee of ICOMOS ISCEAH, and focal point of ISCEAH at ICOMOS-CCHWG.
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