Terra 2022


University of Cuenca Virtual Events


University of Cuenca Virtual Events

spacerAuthor: Fausto Cardoso Martinez                                  

Virtual Event Description

As part of the Terra 2022 virtual lead-up events, organizations from around the world are carrying out virtual events that present research and/or projects of interest. In this context, the World Heritage City Project (CPM) of the University of Cuenca will present 2 projects: The first shows the restoration proposal for a property with heritage value in the city of Azogues, Ecuador. The second demonstrates the participatory process (co-creation) carried out in a little rural community near the city of Cuenca, Susudel.

DATE: Thursday, February 17
TIME: 11:00 - 12:30 (Ecuadorian time)
SPEAKERS: Fausto Cardoso - Alicia Tenze - Catalina Rodas

The presentation refers to an urban peripheral property, built at the beginning of the last century. Thanks to the strengthening of certain economies that were sustained by the export of the toquilla straw hat (Panama Hat), new visions and new aspirations were consolidated of a nascent bourgeoisie, whose impetus was also expressed in architecture.

Quinta San José de Azogues, located on the outskirts of Azogues -- a small city of slow growth -- quickly became part of a benchmark model of life. In its construction, despite the social aspirations of its owners, local materials, technologies, and knowledge were used where the land is the protagonist. The materialization of the country house took place in stages accompanied by the prosperity of its owners.

From the second half of the 20th century, the city changed and included this property in its urban expansion. With the death of its owners, the beautiful building headed towards obsolescence and abandonment.

In 2020 and 2021, a consulting team from the University of Cuenca developed a restoration project in which its recovery was co-designed with the community, with the support of participatory methodologies in all stages of work. The exhibition shows the details and development of this process, which is innovative in the participatory recovery of built heritage.

DATE: Thursday, February 24
TIME: 11:00 - 12:30 (Ecuadorian time)
SPEAKERS: Fausto Cardoso - Alicia Tenze - Gabriela Barsall

In 2011, a group of students and professors from the University of Cuenca visited Susudel, a small town of 800 people with a beautiful adobe chapel and a rustic hacienda house, which is the origin of the settlement.

From this initiative, a work model was organized that was quickly articulated with fresh ideas of preventive conservation, which materialized in mobilizing collective initiatives that have allowed the recovery of dozens of houses and other assets of vernacular architecture both in Susudel and in the region, South of the equator.

The participation of the communities in these processes has been vital. The learning and exchanges have been mutual and have allowed for the execution of increasingly ambitious and better structured projects, through participatory and co-creation processes, which have inspired other initiatives at the level of complex sites such as Cuenca, which is humanity’s heritage.

The Susudel experience triggered an important series of initiatives in the community itself, with research in various fields (colored earth, diversification of bricks, recovery of the cemetery, a project for the Casa Hacienda, workshops for children, restoration and social activation of spaces patrimonial).

With the Pandemic came new challenges and new opportunities. The distancing caused the need to find new forms of interrelation and use of public space, the re-thinking of new social initiatives that strengthen entrepreneurship, social life, research and love for earthen architecture. The presentation will refer to these special processes of co-creation between the University and the Community.


Virtual Event Participants

Arch. Fausto Cardoso Martínez PhD.

An architect from the University of Cuenca, with a doctorate from the University Degli Studi Di Roma Italy "La Sapienza”. Professor of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Cuenca in Integral Restoration Workshops and for the master’s degree in Conservation and Management of Built Cultural Heritage. Director of international research projects: North-South-South, to improve management capacities between Belgium, Cuba and Ecuador; TEAM Minga - “Innovative governance systems for built cultural heritage, based on organizational principles of the Andean tradition in Ecuador” and ILUCIDARE - “International Network for the successful use of cultural heritage innovations and diplomacy, capacity building and awareness”. Director of the World Heritage City Preservation Management / Ciudad Patrimonio Mundial (vlirCPM) sponsored by the Consortium of Flemish Universities and the University of Cuenca since 2007. He has participated in academic meetings as a speaker in Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, Mexico, Belgium, Italy, China, among others.

Architect Alicia Margarita Tenze

Salvadoran architect with postgraduate studies in Participatory Research for Local Development (2006-2007), Urban and Territorial Planning applied to developing countries (1996-1998), Governance and Political Studies (2017) and Project Management Building and Urban Planning (1998). Her work has focused on participation in research or planning processes in the different areas of local, comprehensive, and sustainable development. Since 2006, she has been collaborating with the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid and with the RedCIMAS -International Observatory of Citizenship and Sustainable Environment in the coordination of semi-face-to-face courses and in the Schools of Solidarity Citizenship for Latin America, in the training in participatory methodologies for the management of social transformation processes. Since 2015 she has worked as a researcher in the World Heritage City Project of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Cuenca on issues of cultural participation and management.

Architect Catalina Rodas Vázquez

Architect from the University of Cuenca, since 2010 and master’s in architecture since 2015 from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, her research proposed intervention strategies for the buffer zones of historic cities, specifically for the city of Cuenca. She has worked as a Researcher for the World Heritage City Project of the University of Cuenca since 2008, in the area of heritage conservation and Historic Urban Landscape, working on research that highlights the transformation of cities over time, analyzing how these have influenced, positively or negatively, in the conservation of cultural heritage, as well as in the Historical Urban Landscape line, developing a methodology for the analysis of relevant visuals within landscapes with value and in the ILUCIDARE project - "International Network for the successful use of innovations of cultural heritage and diplomacy, capacity building and awareness raising”.


Architect Catalina Rodas Vázquez
Email: catalina.rodas@ucuenca.edu.ec

Web page: https://www.ciudadpatrimoniomundial.com/
Email: ciudadpatrimoniomundial@ucuenca.edu.ec
CPM Newsletters: https://www.ciudadpatrimoniomundial.com/boletines-cpm/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/proyectoCPM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ciudadpatrimoniomundial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/proyectocpm
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdISLeiPE5o7pKUKlqlKNg


The Terra 2022 year-long virtual lead-up event series, running from June 2021 to June 2022, presents the richness and diversity of earthen architectural heritage around the world, the individuals and organizations working in the sector, and the communities who care for this heritage and its traditions.

Click here for more information on the Terra 2022 Virtual Lead-Up Events Series.

Click here for more information on Terra 2022 World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage.


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