Essential Project Management Skills 

Essential Project Management Skills

Facilitator: Christine Edwards QTLS, Creating Excellence

15 August, 2024   Add to calendar

10:00 am - 11:30 am


Projects are a key component of many End Point Assessment (EPA) requirements, as well as being a key management technique and core part of some managerial apprenticeship programmes. While this should not be an issue, there is clear evidence to show that apprentices are all too often ineffective when managing a project and effectively presenting their findings.

Facilitated by



The content will cover:

  • What managing a project really means;
  • The key steps required for project management to be effective;
  • Tools that support effective project execution;
  • Effective findings presentation;
  • Preparing for EPA;
  • What next.

The webinar will provide the core information needed to be able to plan and support the effective development of project management skills and the effective presentation of findings for apprentices and help them to be better prepared for EPA, where relevant.

Developing effective project and presentation skills is an essential part of apprenticeship provision and supporting this area of development provides an opportunity to positively impact the development of apprentices and their ability to be effective in their role and as a result positively impact the wider business environment and society. 

Developing this aspect of delivery provides an opportunity for providers to excel with their provision; improve EPA outcomes; build stronger links with employers and support their business growth and development; and potentially build capacity further for apprenticeships.


Target Audience


This webinar is suitable for:

  • Curriculum developers who are not fully aware of the good practice requirements for project management, execution and presentation of findings;
  • Providers who have recognised the value and importance of solid project management, effective execution and results presentation and has identified this aspect as an area for development;
  • Educators who are supporting project management, results presentations and preparing apprentices for EPA with this aspect as an EPA requirement, and want to improve their understanding of project management and effective project execution.


This webinar is not suitable for:

  • Providers who are fully aware of the expectations around project management and effective execution and have no areas for development with this aspect of provision.