Quality Assuring Apprenticeships 


Bally Bhogal

Managing Director, LX Group Limited

LX Group is a niche educational consultancy to the apprenticeship industry that provides audit services, training and development for budding and incumbent providers, as well as webinars and workshops for clients and partners including the ESFA and AELP.       
LX Group MD, Bally Bhogal is an expert in and governor of apprenticeships; her previous roles have spanned training, assessment, subcontractor management, leadership and governance. Bally’s team of LX Group practitioners have nearly 50 years’ experience in quality assuring apprenticeships and have been through numerous Ofsted inspections.    
With this breadth and depth of experience, LX Group helps organisations to become apprenticeship training providers on a ‘right first time’ basis and supports existing providers to improve their hands-on delivery.  

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