Sharing Best Practice on the Most Challenging Areas of Apprenticeship Delivery 

Sharing Best Practice on the Most Challenging Areas of Apprenticeship Delivery

Facilitator: Richard Moore, Richard Moore Solutions

23 July, 2024   Add to calendar

9:30 am - 12:30 pm


This interactive in depth webinar, with the help of expert industry practitioners from Ofsted rated ‘good’ and ‘outstanding providers will be looking at a number of key challenges that many of their peers face in delivering apprenticeships. 

It will discuss the solutions they have put in place together with what Ofsted inspectors would expect to see you doing at the point of inspection.   

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At the end of this session, you will have gained an insight into the challenges involved in the following aspects of apprenticeship provision, together with possible solutions to meet Ofsted expectations:

  • Signing learners up and initial assessment;
  • Getting employers/line managers fully involved in the apprenticeship;
  • Monitoring learners’ progress and progress reviews;
  • Promoting personal development as part of the curriculum;
  • Embedding equality, diversity and safeguarding into the curriculum;
  • Developing learners’ English, mathematics and digital skills through your vocational teaching and assessment;
  • Careers and progression information, advice and guidance. 


Target Audience


Independent training providers, employer providers, colleges and local authorities engaged in delivering apprenticeship provision.

Senior leaders and managers responsible for the planning and delivery of apprenticeship provision.