2024 Ohio Housing Conference

Sponsorship Information

Invest in this opportunity to support affordable housing in Ohio while showcasing your organization to over 1,500 housing industry professionals!

A sponsorship will highlight your company as a partner and leader in the affordable housing industry. Your generosity allows us not only to provide a quality forum for training and networking, but also to explore emerging issues and trends impacting our industry. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to engage with innovative, impassioned housing professionals!

Exhibit Hall Diagram

View this year's exhibit hall layout.

For more information contact us at occhevents@occh.org.


Sponsor Packages

  Presenting Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Exclusive Naming Rights X - - - -
Complimentary Full Conference Registrations 12 8 6 4 2

Logo on Banner

Stands & Conference Banner at the Event

X X X - -
Exhibitor Space X X X X X
Premium Exhibitor Space Location X X X - -
Logo in Conference App X X X X X
Exclusive Branding Opportunities  X - - - -
Logo Included on Hotel Keycards X - - - -
Keynote Luncheon Sponsorship & Opportunity to present Keynote Speaker  X - - - -
Premium Reserved Table for 10 at  Breakfasts & Lunches X X - - -
Branding Opportunity on Conference Bottled Waters Given to Attendees X - - - -
Company in All Conference Emails  X - - - -
Complimentary Session Sponsor - X X - -
Social Media Posts 
3 - 1 prior to event, 1 at event, 1 Post Event  2 - 1 Group Post Prior to event, 1 Group Post After Event 1 - During the Event  - -
Availability Please inquire. 5 12 15 35
2024 Pricing Please inquire. $12,500 $8,500 $6,250 $3,000
A la Carte Options Availability Price
Exhibitor Space Only 10 x 10 (For Profit)  17 $1,000
Exhibitor Space Only 10 x 10 (Non-Profit)  17 $500
Event Sponsorship Opportunities  Availability Price
Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception 1 $10,000
Party for Affordable Housing Partial Sponsor unlimited $3,000
Snack & Coffee Breaks 5 $2,500


What to Expect at the Ohio Housing Conference

Learn & Be Inspired

Network with hundreds of industry peers as you attend sessions and workshops focused on educating and inspiring you to continue your good work.


Centrally Located

The conference will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center located at 400 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.


Share & Connect

Attendees include developers, property managers, investors, syndicators, architects, real estate professionals, lenders, accountants, attorneys, government officials, nonprofit leaders, and more!