Access your Pre-work assignments and the Session Workbook (All Sessions) below. Be sure to schedule time to complete the Pre-work prior to arriving at District Leader Training. The more prepared you are, the more you will benefit from the experience.
Download PDF files to the device you will be using during training. To experience the full functionality of the Pre-work assignments and Session Workbooks, download and open them with the most recent version of Adobe Reader (a free application). Be aware that you may need to change your default program when opening PDFs. Please be aware some links and resources require you to be logged in to your Toastmasters account to access.
Pre-work must be completed prior to traveling to District Leader Training. Please plan to spend 3 to 4 hours completing Pre-work.
Pre-work for some sessions should be completed with your District team. Review Pre-work instructions carefully.
Please click here to access a single PDF document that includes all Pre-work documents.
Please click here to access a single PDF document that includes all Session Workbooks.