At the Port Macquarie CPPP, COPA University offers the following options:
Pilot Ground Training only - 3 tracks to select presentations from AUD 1400
Pilot Ground & 1 Flight - 3 tracks to select presentations from, plus 1 training flight with a CSIP in your airplane AUD 2200
Pilot Ground & 1 Simulator - 3 tracks to select presentations from, plus 1 simulator session with a CSIP AUD 1800
Pilot Ground & 1 Simulator & 1 Flight - 3 tracks to select presentations from, plus 1 sim session and 1 training flight with a CSIP in your airplane AUD 2600
Partner / Spouse program "Partner-in-Command" - how to react in an Emergency - for the non-flying partner AUD 300
Ground Training for non-owner flight instructors and aircraft mechanics - 3 tracks to select from - special discounted price AUD 700
CSIP / TCI Networking - for Cirrus Standardized Instructors and Training Center Instructors only - CSIP / TCI credentials required AUD 300