If you want to organize a side-event, please contact us at pecs2024@agoraopus3.com


When: August 16
Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
Where: Building 21 (651 Sherbrooke St. West)
Organizers: Jasmine Pearson (Queensland University of Technology), Roman Isaac, Stephan Ortiz (Leuphana University)

Arts-based methods are becoming increasingly recognised as a valuable tool in sustainability science. This workshop will provide insight into how art can be utilised to foster knowledge coproduction and promote diverse perspectives in different social-ecological contexts. The objectives are to inspire creative research approaches and stimulate engaging discussions in a relaxed environment where attendees can enjoy creating art together. This workshop is inspired by a course on 'Valuing nature: Reflecting on transdisciplinary methods' that was co-developed and led by Stefan Ortiz-Przychodzka and Dr Jasmine Pearson at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

This open workshop is free to attend. Early Career Researchers and students are particulary encouraged to attend, but all are welcome. Sign up here.

For more information, contact Jasmine Pearson: jasmine.pearson@qut.edu.au

Photo credit: Berta Martín-López



When: August 11 and 12 (optional)
a. 9am - 7pm, Sunday, August 11 | Thomson House Ballroom (dinner after 5pm)
b. 9am - 12pm, Monday, August 12 | ADAMS 232 & 211
Where: McGill Downtown Campus
Organizers: PECS Programme Office
Type: Closed Meeting (Working Groups Only)

Following on from our Stellenbosch Working Group meeting, the pre-conference PECS Working Group Meeting will be an opportunity to advance working group activities, connect with other working groups, and advance the broader PECS agenda. The meeting will allow for discussions within and across groups. The meeting will largely take place on the 11th of August. The 12th is just for groups that would like extra time to meet.

If you are part of a working group, you can sign up to attend the working group meeting during registration.




When: August 5-9
Where: Le Baluchon Eco-villégiature
Organizers: Resilience Alliance, PECS, NSERC ResNet

The 2024 Resilience Alliance short course is being offered in collaboration with NSERC ResNet and The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS).

The week-long immersive course will run from August 5-9, 2024 at Le Baluchon Éco-villégiature, near Montreal, Canada. Course participants will benefit from a small-group format and an intensive learning-by-doing program that draws on the expertise of scholars in resilience and sustainability research networks.

The course will focus on research methods that are commonly used in studying social-ecological systems, with a special emphasis on participatory and place-based methods. Drawing on The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, the course offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from leaders in the field, whilst connecting with other students and early-career researchers from around the world.

Applications for this course are now closed, and course participants have been selected. For more information.




When: August 12
Time: 9am to 11am
Organizers: Kinga Psiuk and Julia van Velden (Centre for Sustainability Transitions, Stellenbosch University)

Navigating a diverse landscape of methods to study social-ecological systems can be challenging, especially since the field is increasingly interdisciplinary and does not simply come with a set of standard methods. This SES Methods Mingle is an opportunity to connect with other early and mid-career researchers to begin to build a community of practice relating to SES methods, learn from each other’s expertise, and become inspired to explore new methods and method combinations. The session aims to be an informal and interactive networking opportunity to help you find your mentor or peer group (conveniently before the start of the conference), and together start building a community that can support you along your research journey. There will also be a space for a facilitated discussion centring on the new SES Methods website and how researchers can contribute to this exciting initiative, built on community-contributed resources. 

This open workshop is free to attend. We especially encourage Early Career Researchers and students to attend, but all are welcome. Sign up here.

For more information, contact Kinga Psiuk: kingapsiuk@sun.ac.za




When: August 12 (session I), August 16 (sessions II, III), August 17 (session IV & V) *. *sessions IV and V Participation can be online if some people can't stay in Montreal

a. 9am - 12pm, Monday, August 12 | BIRKS 111
b. 9am - 5pm, Friday, August 16 | RUTHERFORD 103

Where: McGill Downtown Campus

Organizers: Iskra Rojo Negrete (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Cuajmalpa/ Metropolitan Autonomous University campus Cuajimalpa), Arcelia Amaranta Moreno Unda (Posgrado en Sostenibilidad, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/ Postgraduate in Sustainability, National Autonomous University of Mexico), Mónica Velázquez (Posgrado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Cuajmalpa/ Postgraduate in Social Sciences and Humanities, Metropolitan Autonomous University campus Cuajimalpa)

Email: arojon@cua.uam.mx

Cost: $CAN25

Target audience: any assistance to the PECs conference interested in the topic and process.

Participants: 40

Materials and requirements: projector, projector connections, whiteboard.

General description and more information is here:

The current polycrisis requires science to be effective in eliciting public policies that propel just transformations towards sustainability. This workshop seeks for you to imagine, create, and detonate a political agenda process to contribute to the transformation towards sustainability of a territory or sector of your knowledge and/or interest.  An agenda is one of many mechanisms that intersect and position societal interests and scientific knowledge in an accessible, argued, and viable guide. We will carry you through the creation processes. First, participants will learn about the importance, characteristics and political strength of an agenda and receive guidelines to properly design one. Then, through co-creation, they will build a critical incidence pathway to include actions to be taken and goals to be achieved. Indicators will be also developed to appraise effectiveness of the agenda during and after execution. The document will also include a directory of key actors for each step of the processes. Upon completion you will hopefully have the bases to generate your own political agenda of transformation towards sustainability.  The workshop is organized in five face-to-face sessions over the course of three days, including prior online work and subsequent follow-up of the proposed agenda.  Be part of the political proposal and transformation with your direct and active participation!!!

Register here.



Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact pecs2024@agoraopus3.com

Registration period
March 01, 2024 - 08:00 until August 1, 2024 - 23:30


Conference Venue: Centre Mont-Royal, 2200, Rue Mansfield, Montréal, QC, Canada, H3A 3R8