About the Organizers
The Programme for Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) is a Future Earth core-project, one of 21 such global change research projects. PECS aims to integrate research on the stewardship of social-ecological systems, the services they generate, and the relationships among natural capital, human wellbeing, livelihoods, inequality and poverty.
PECS research is explicitly transdisciplinary and intersectoral, and aims to break down barriers that have impeded understanding of social-ecological transformations. PECS aims to understand interactions across scales, such as fast and slow drivers of social and ecological change, thresholds, traps and time lags, in order to identify appropriate operational scales. A comparative, place-based approach, international in scope, is at the core of PECS research.
Using community-engaged research, NSERC-ResNet supports Canada's capacity to monitor, model, and manage its working landscapes and seascapes (and all the ecosystem services they provide) for the long-term shared health, prosperity and resilience of all Canadians.
Established in 1999, the Resilience Alliance is an international, multidisciplinary research organisation that has played a leading role in advancing resilience theory and practice. RA research aligns with the current strategic direction of global policy fora and serves as a resource for other organisations and programs around the world. In addition to coordinating research activities among working groups and an annual science meeting, the RA publishes open-access science journals including Ecology and Society.
PECS-3 Organizing Committee