Technology exchange Registration

December 9-13  Boston, Mass.

Join Us!

Join us for TechEX at the Boston Marriott Copley Place from Dec. 9-13 and participate in all the event has to offer.

Before you register, please review the wide range of tutorials  and co-located meetings, and take a moment to read the descriptions for each. Note: The system will only allow you to register for one event offered at the same time (e.g., you can select a morning/ afternoon tutorial but not two morning or a full-day and an afternoon tutorial).

NEW Registration Experience

Internet2 recently launched a new event registration platform. If you have questions, please view the TechEX24 Registration FAQ or email meetingregistration@internet2.edu for additional support.




Wednesday, 7/10 through Friday, 12/13** Through 9/6 Through 10/18 After 10/18
Conference Registration – Internet2 Member USD $800 $1,000 $1,100
Conference Registration – International MoU Partner USD $900 $1,100 $1,200
Conference Registration – InCommon Participant USD $900 $1,100 $1,200
Conference Registration- Non-Member USD $1,400 $1,600 $1,900
Conference Registration – Federal Rate* See below* See below* See below*

*To obtain the Federal Rate for registration, please send a request to meetingregistration@internet2.edu.

** “Advance CAMP” content continues until 12 noon on Friday; however, no meals are provided on Friday.


Your 2024 Technology Exchange registration fee includes:

  • Attendance and any materials for the 2024 Technology Exchange
  • Tuesday, Dec. 10: Breakfast, morning/afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch
  • Wednesday, Dec. 11: Breakfast, morning/afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch
  • Thursday, Dec. 12: Breakfast, morning/afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch
  • Friday, Dec. 13: Advance CAMP morning refreshment break. NOTE: Breakfast is on your own.



Please review the program details for the Tutorials and Co-Located Meetings. You can register for the event and/or workshops through the same registration portal.


Monday, Dec. 9

Please note the schedule for each tutorial. You cannot register for two events offered at the same time. Note: The system will only allow you to register for one event offered at the same time (e.g., you can select a morning/ afternoon tutorial but not two morning or a full-day and an afternoon tutorial).

Title Through 9/6 After 9/6
8 – 11:30 am eduroam: The Technical RADIUS Tutorial $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am SSH MFA Anyway You Want It     $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am The Fundamentals of Setting up and Populating a Network Source of Truth $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am Implementing Precise Measurements and Security Apps Using P4 Programmable Data Planes $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am Border Gateway Protocol: Concepts and Implementation $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am SciStream: Enabling Data Streaming Between Science Instruments and HPC Nodes $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am Google Cloud Administrator Basic Training $75 $100
8 – 11:30 am Azure Open AI $75 $100
8 am-4:30 pm perfSONAR Tutorial $150 $200
8 am-4:30 pm Cloud Networking 101: Networking To and Inside the Cloud Service Providers $50 $100
8 am-4:30 pm Get Good with GitOps $150 $200
1– 4:30 pm Mobility Day at 2024 Internet2 Technology Exchange $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm Secure Programming and Dependency Analysis Tools –Theory & Practice $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm Inter-Federation Incident Response (IR) in eduGAIN $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm Getting Started with Containerlab $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm Network Technologies for Data Movement Supporting Research and Education on Campus Networks $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm BGP and Route Policy for R&E Networks $25 $75
1– 4:30 pm Fundamentals of Machine Learning on Google Cloud Platform $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm Security for AI: Secure Your Environment for AI Apps $75 $100
1– 4:30 pm AWS GameDay $25 $100

Your registration includes:

  • Attendance and any materials for the meeting. 
  • Monday, Dec. 9: Morning and afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch. Breakfast is on your own.


Note: The system will only allow you to register for one event offered at the same time (e.g., you can select a morning/afternoon meeting but not two morning or a full-day and an afternoon meeting).

Time (Eastern) Title Through 9/6 After 9/6
9 am-4:30 pm REFEDS  $0 $0

Approved attendees only; non-authorized attendees will be contacted that their registration is void. Your registration includes:

  • Attendance and any materials for the meeting. 
  • Monday, Dec.9: Morning and afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch. Breakfast is on your own.

Time (Eastern) Title Through 9/6 After 9/6
8 am – 4  pm NetGurus $25 $25
8 am – 4 pm   SecureShow: Privacy & Security Quiz Challenge $150 $200

Your registration includes:

  • Attendance and any materials for the meeting. 
  • Friday, Dec 13: Morning and afternoon refreshment breaks, and lunch. Breakfast is on your own.