2024 Course Offerings
Fellow: $6,435 incl. GST per course

Trainee: $4,950 incl. GST per course

High Resolution CT of the Chest (HRCT)

Course Overview

This three-day course is designed to provide practicing radiologists with the skills and understanding necessary to interpret high resolution CT of the chest in diffuse infiltrative lung diseases. Participants will receive lectures on specific aspects of HRCT interspersed with hands-on interpretation of related cases. Faculty provide direct supervision and assistance with hands-on interpretation.

The integration of clinical, radiologic, and pathologic information will also be discussed.

Program and Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. State the clinical indications and optimal approach for high resolution imaging of the lung parenchyma
  2. Utilize approach to CT differential diagnosis based on pattern and distribution of abnormality
  3. Recognize clinical features of the common interstitial lung diseases
  4. Describe the importance and mechanism of multidisciplinary consultation in diagnosis of interstitial lung disease



Course Overview

This three-day neuroradiology course includes the four domains of neuroradiology in brain, spine, head and neck, and pediatric neuroimaging.

The material will be nearly exclusively centered on CT and MR imaging with advanced application techniques. General disease categories of vascular, inflammatory, demyelinating, traumatic, degenerative, neoplastic, congenital and metabolic diseases of the CNS and the head and neck in adults and children will be covered with case material.

The lectures each day will introduce common themes for differential diagnoses and lay the groundwork for extensive time devoted to reviewing a library of cases ranging in difficulty and disease type. Attendees can personalize their course by selecting more cases from one subspecialty area than another to remedy perceived weaknesses.

Program and Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Provide limited relevant differential diagnoses for masses in different regions of the brain, spine, and head and neck
  2. Prioritize imaging studies and provide pertinent imaging features that will guide therapy in patients with strokes or other vascular lesions of the brain or spine
  3. Correctly utilize the terms accepted by the American Society of Neuroradiology for describing degenerative spondylotic disease of the cervical and lumbar spine
  4. List imaging features that help clinicians provide accurate TNM staging of head and neck cancers
  5. Differentiate among the many causes of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss through neuroimaging
  6. List features that distinguish the various cysts of the head and neck

Breast Imaging Boot Camp

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide practicing radiologists with intensive, hands-on experience in breast imaging. Throughout the three-day program, participants will develop their interpretive expertise in the evaluation of mammography studies through hands-on interpretation of over 240 digital screening, diagnostic mammograms and digital breast tomosynthesis cases at their own individual workstation. Participants will enhance their perceptive skills with direct assistance from a panel of expert radiologists. 

Program and Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Utilize perception skills for detection of cancer at digital mammographic screening
  2. Interpret digital mammographic screen-detected findings
  3. Demonstrate skills to minimize the call-back rate for normal/benign findings at mammographic screening
  4. Describe the application of computerized techniques as an aid in mammographic interpretation
  5. Recognize diagnostic work-up of screen-detected findings and symptomatic patients

Registration is limited.

Limited class sizes, unlimited learning opportunities!