The 3V's Business Innovation Award Contest

Submission Guidelines 

Innovation Overview: 
Using the 3 V's construct, briefly describe how your supply chain innovation (product, service, or concept) improved corporate competitiveness:

  1. What was the problem or challenge(s) that your innovation addressed?
  2. How does your innovation stand out from competitors in the industry?
  3. What makes your innovation novel and/or unique?
  4. How does your innovation contribute to advancements or improvements in your industry?

Impact and Benefits: 
Describe the potential impact of your innovation on the industry, customers, or supply chains as a whole:

  1. Specifically, what were the metrics used to define and measure the results of your innovation? How was success defined and measured?
  2. Have you conducted any market research or gathered feedback from customers regarding your innovation? If yes, please provide a summary of the results.
  3. Please provide any case studies, success stories, or testimonials that demonstrate the positive impact of your innovations

Implementation and Execution: 
Explain how you have successfully implemented and executed your innovation:

  1. What challenges did you encounter during the implementation process, and how did you overcome them?
  2. Describe any partnerships, collaborations, or key resources that have supported the development and implementation of your innovation.
  3. Have you obtained any patents, trademarks, or copyrights related to your innovation? If yes, please provide relevant details.

Recognition and Achievements: 
List any previous awards, accolades, or notable recognition that your business or innovation has received.

  1. Have you been featured in any media publications, news outlets, or industry blogs? If yes, please provide relevant links or references.
  2. Are there any influential individuals or organizations that have endorsed or supported your innovation? If yes, please provide relevant details.

Future Plans: 
Outline your future plans for further development, expansion, or improvement of your innovation:

  1. How do you envision your innovation evolving or adapting to meet future challenges or market demands?
  2. Are there any specific goals, milestones, or targets you aim to achieve with your innovation in the coming years?

Supporting Materials (Optional): 
You may attach any additional materials, such as images, videos, whitepapers, or presentations that support your innovation and provide a better understanding of its value.

Submit your entries here.

The deadline to submit entries is August 1, 2024. The awards presentation will take place Monday, September 30th at EDGE 2024.


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