
This is an intensive laboratory QA/QC practices course, featuring the information and techniques you need to establish and maintain a successful power plant laboratory QA/QC program. You will take home the tools and information you need to:

Develop your own defensible laboratory QA/QC program by satisfying the requirements of:

  • ASTM
  • INPO
  • A2LA
  • EPRI
  • Standard Methods
  • ISO 9000
  • EPA


Evaluate your existing laboratory QA/QC program by performing a detailed assessment to determine:

  • How your program stacks up to the requirements
  • Specific case-study data for in-class lectures
  • Specific areas in need of improvements


Support your existing QA/QC program by developing statistically protocols for the:

  • Determination of significant bias (shifting mean)
  • Determination of persuasive bias (mean shift beyond 1 sigma)
  • Determination of significant trends (patterns)


Answer those difficult QA/QC questions once and for all by specifying detailed methodologies for:

  • Calibration of instruments
  • Precision checks of analytical methods
  • Accuracy checks for analytical methods
  • Certification of analytical competence
  • Analysis of external standards



Note: Students are encouraged to bring questions or plant chemistry problems to address in class

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