April 7 - April 11 2024
Arlington, TX

Sustainability & Social Impact

Mission Statement: Our mission at ConferenceDirect is to care for the world we live in, from the customers we serve to the ways we give back to our community.  At ConferenceDirect we strive to set an example not just in the meetings industry but for our associates, partners and the world.

Our global events industry has the ability and responsibility to drive meaningful change, create welcoming communities and improve society through our actions. 

ConferenceDirect joins the Events Industry Council in the commitment to impact, inspire and empower the event industry to advance the Sustainable Development ConferenceDirect works to integrate the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals into our meetings and events. 

What ConferenceDirect is Doing: 
At APM you will see the following efforts in support of environmental and social responsibility: 
•    Social Responsibility: Group CSR Activity impacting Local Arlington Organization and Donation Option
•    Wellness: 

  • Morning wellness activity and wellness break activities
  • Fitness center use offered to all attendees

•    Food & Beverage

  • Menus focused on healthy eating, lower water and carbon footprint options.
  • Bulk beverage stations. Reusable beverage containers, glassware, or compostable/recyclable cups. 
  • No pre-poured beverages for catered event. Any pre-set food limited to 80% of total expected attendance. 

•    Destination, Venue & Event Production 

  • Loews Good Neighbor Programs incorporated into APM events
  • Sustainable décor options, such as linenless tables and reusable centerpieces
  • Recycling and/or donation of event registration materials 

•    Housing: Arrangement made for housekeeping to be by request only for attendees

What You Can Do as an Event Attendee: 
We encourage all attendees to join our efforts in support of environmental and social responsibility in the following ways: 

  • Bring your own water bottle.
  • If you are within driving distance of Arlington, consider driving to APM. 
  • If you are flying to APM,  take direct flights if available from your home destination and consider the additional flying information outlined below
  • Take public transit to/from your home airport.
  • Use alternative transportation to get around town
  • At check-in: decline daily guestroom housekeeping; opt to receive an e-Folio at departure, rather than a printed folio
  • Use digital marketing materials and giveaways in the Trade Show instead of printed items and promotional giveaways.
  • Turn lights off when leaving guestroom for the day. 
  • Recycle your name badge/lanyard at the end of the conference. 

Flying to the Event - Did you know that air travel makes up approximately 85% of an events carbon footprint?
Although flying is generally a significant source of emissions, there are some best practices you can follow to mitigate your carbon footprint when traveling:

  1. Choose Direct Flights: Non-stop flights produce fewer emissions than connecting flights because takeoffs and landings are the most fuel-intensive phases of a flight.
  2. Fly Economy Class: Flying in economy class allows for more passengers per flight, which distributes emissions among more people, making it a relatively more sustainable option compared to premium classes.
  3. Fly on Modern Aircraft: Whenever possible, choose airlines that operate newer and more fuel-efficient aircraft. Newer planes are designed to be more environmentally friendly.
  4. Offset You Carbon Emissions:  The below airlines offer the option to purchase carbon offsets when booking your air. You can voluntarily offset the emissions from your flight by supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as reforestation or renewable energy projects.
  • The Emirates
  • Quantas
  • Virgin Australia
  • Delta Airlines
  • British Airways
  • Jetstar
  • Air New Zealand
  • United Airlines
  • Air Canada
  • Jetblue Airways
  • Gulf Air
  1. Pack Light: Reducing the weight of your luggage can help save fuel since heavier planes require more energy to lift off and maintain altitude.
  2. Use Public Transportation: Whenever feasible, use public transportation to and from the airport instead of private vehicles. Public transit emits fewer emissions per person.
  3. Support Airlines with Green Initiatives: Choose airlines that are actively implementing measures to reduce their carbon footprint and support sustainable practices.
  4. Consider Alternative Modes of Transportation: For shorter distances, consider taking trains or buses, as they generally produce fewer emissions per passenger compared to flights.
  5. Pack Reusable Items: Bring reusable items like water bottles, utensils, and shopping bags to reduce the waste generated during your journey.
  6. Minimize In-Flight Waste: Avoid unnecessary single-use items during your flight, and properly dispose of waste in recycling and trash bins provided.
  7. Advocate for Policy Changes: Support policies and initiatives that encourage the aviation industry to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce emissions.

WHY ConferenceDirect encourages declining housekeeping and why it matters: 

  1. Reduced Water and Energy Usage: Cleaning a hotel room involves laundering towels and linens, which requires significant amounts of water and energy. By reducing the frequency of these cleanings, hotels can conserve water and energy, thus lowering their environmental impact.
  2. Less Chemical Usage: Cleaning products used in hotels often contain chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. Reducing the frequency of room cleaning means less usage of these chemicals, which is beneficial for both the environment and human health.
  3. Lower Waste Generation: Daily cleaning generates a substantial amount of waste, including used toiletries, packaging, and disposable items. By minimizing the frequency of cleaning, hotels can reduce the overall waste they generate and send to landfills.
  4. Decreased Pollution: The process of laundering linens and towels can contribute to water pollution due to the chemicals used and the release of microfibers. Reducing the number of laundry cycles helps minimize this pollution and its environmental impact.
  5. Extended Lifespan of Linens and Furnishings: Frequent washing and cleaning can lead to wear and tear on linens, towels, and furnishings. By reducing the frequency of cleaning, hotels can extend the lifespan of these items, ultimately reducing the need for replacements and conserving resources.
  6. Guest Awareness and Behavior: Not cleaning the room daily can also raise guest awareness about sustainability. Guests may become more mindful of their resource usage, leading to them reusing towels and linens during their stay, which further contributes to water and energy conservation.
  7. Staff Efficiency: Reducing the daily cleaning routine allows hotel staff to focus on other sustainability initiatives or tasks that contribute to the hotel's environmental efforts, making operations more efficient.

Remember that while these practices can help reduce your personal carbon footprint, the larger challenge of addressing aviation emissions requires a collective effort from airlines, governments, and the broader industry to invest in cleaner technologies and sustainable practices. 

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