Call for Proposals

You're Invited to Present at Convention 2024!

Share your insights, knowledge and expertise with not-for-profit long-term care colleagues from across Ontario

Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to position yourself as a leader, build your network and collaborate directly with other experts in the field! AdvantAge Ontario welcomes and encourages presentation proposals from all those engaged in not-for-profit long-term care, seniors' housing and community services. You do not need to be a member to submit a presentation proposal.

We are interested in all types of education sessions, ranging from informational seminars to in-depth, hands-on workshops. Keep reading for a complete list of subject areas, presentation types and audience profile!

The Benefits of Speaking at Convention 2024
Convention speakers receive a complimentary one-day pass for the day you are presenting, or a discounted full Convention pass. AdvantAge Ontario does not generally provide honorariums or cover travel and hotel costs, though exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Association.

Important Dates

  • August 14, 2023 — Call for Presentations Opens
  • EXTENDED UNTIL - October 15, 2023 — Call for Presentations Deadline
  • Mid-November 2023 — Presenters notified
  • January 2024 — Registration Opens for Convention 2024

Questions? Contact Courtney Hicks at 905-851-8821 x228, or by email at

About Your Audience

As you prepare your presentation proposal, you will want to keep the audience in mind. Convention delegates typically work in long-term care, seniors' housing and supportive housing, as well as community services. Their job titles typically include:

  • Administrators/CEO
  • Board Members
  • Senior Managers
  • Food Services/Dietary Managers
  • Program Managers
  • Housing Managers
  • Environmental Service Managers
  • Financial Managers
  • Community Service Manager
  • Nurse Managers
  • Business Managers.
Presentation Types

In general, our goal at Convention is to provide delegates with high-quality, practical, relevant education that they can implement in their organizations to benefit residents, families, and staff. With this aim in mind, all presentations should focus on:

  • Case studies with member providers that provide lessons learned;
  • “How-to” information that stimulates and provides attendees with new skills, processes or technology, and efficiency gains;
  • Best practices that have been implemented; or 
  • Practical and forward-thinking content that promotes the exchange of ideas with attendees.

Please note that commercial content is prohibited. Convention sessions are intended to educate and support learning; submissions promoting a product, service or company will not be accepted. 

Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent sessions typically focus on emerging sector issues, successful practices and programs, research, and other relevant content. Concurrent sessions will take place on Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19. These sessions follow an informal seminar format, are 60-minutes in length, may include 3-4 presenters, and are intended for 25-100 participants. Presenters are expected to engage participants in interactive learning activities, provide handouts, and allow 15-20 minutes for discussion.
Concurrent Sessions take place on Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19.

Fireside Chats

Fireside Chat sessions are an informal but structured conversation between a moderator and 1-2 guests. The conversation follows an interview-style format and gives the speaker(s) a platform to dive deeper into an emerging sector issue or topic, successful practices and programs, and other relevant content. It is imperative that your submission provides the panelists and the scope of the fireside chat (i.e. how your submission fits this format, topics to be discussed, goal/takeaways of the fireside chat). With regards to a moderator, we are open to suggestions should you have a moderator in mind; however, AdvantAge Ontario approves final moderators. Fireside Chat sessions will take place on Thursday, April 18. These sessions are 90-minutes in length and are intended for 25-150 participants. Presenters are expected to engage participants in interactive learning activities, such as poll questions or Q&A. Please note there are only 7 available slots for this format. 
Fireside Chats take place on Thursday, April 18 only.

World Café

World Café sessions involve a structured conversational process that supports knowledge sharing. Small groups of participants discuss the issue/topic at several tables, like those in an informal café setting. Discussion is held in multiple rounds of 20-minutes. At the end of the 20-minutes, there is the opportunity for each small group to share with the collective group. Then, each member of the group moves to a different new table. Your team would introduce the issues/topics discussed each round and facilitate/lead the discussions overall. World Café sessions will take place on Wednesday, April 17. These sessions are 120-minutes in length and are intended for 60-120 participants. Please note there are only 3 available slots for this format.
World Café Sessions take place on Wednesday, April 17 only.

Poster Sessions

We're kicking it old school for Convention 2024 with poster presentations! Do you have an exciting and successful clinical program, best practice , model of care, new build, (re)development or fundraising initiative that you want to share? This is a great opportunity to do so! For a dedicated section of the posters, we’re inviting members and allied health professionals (e.g., Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Dietitians) to highlight these experiences and successes in the long-term care or housing sectors. The Poster Session is a display presentation that will be up for display Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18. Posters are mounted on a poster board and are staffed by one or two presenters for a designated period of time. Abstracts submitted must report on work completed and include the following information: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion or Next Steps.

Your abstract must be submitted to an appropriate Education Stream, see below.

2024 Education Streams


Care and Services

  • Best Practices, Innovations, and Care Advancements
  • Infection Prevention and Control Best Practices
  • Cultural Care Best Practices
  • Improving Care and Services Initiatives
  • Palliative Approach to Care
  • Managing Death and Dying, MAID
  • Innovative Food and Nutrition Programs
  • Models of Care (E.g. Emotion-Focused Care and Social Living Environment)
  • Staffing Models - Use of Allied Healthcare Professionals, Recreation and Programming Staff, Social Workers, etc. 
  • Specialized Services and Supports, Diagnostic Services in LTC
  • Medical Director Roles - Recruitment and Engagement
  • Director of Nursing and Personal Care Roles - Recruitment, Managing and Engaging Nursing Staff
  • Medication Management

Collaboration and Capacity Building

  • Building Partnerships
  • Community Engagement
  • Community Hubs, Providing Services in the Community 
  • Ontario Health Teams
  • Multi-Sector Collaboration
  • Working with Hospital, Public Health, Housing, and Homecare Partners
  • Academic Partnerships
  • Volunteering - Rebuilding Programs post COVID, Successful Recruitment Strategies, Students, Intergenerational, etc. 

Management and Operations

  • Health Human Resources Solutions and Best Practices - Recruitment and Retention, Preceptorship, Partnership with Educational Institutions,
Internationally Trained Healthcare Providers, Collective Bargaining and Working with Unions, Bridging, and Laddering. 
  • Working with Temporary Staffing Agencies
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Culture, Employee Engagement
  • Best Practices for Compliance, Inspections, and Investigations under the new FLTCA
  • Bill 124
  • Pay Equity
  • Employee Relations
  • Supporting Staff Mental Wellness
  • Organization and Operational Issues
  • Risk and Financial Management
  • Health and Safety
  • Working with Family and Resident Councils, Engaging Families and Residents
  • Quality Improvement
  • Ethical Issues and Decision-Making

Seniors' Housing 

  • Addressing Missing Middle in Community - Seniors' Housing, Assisted Living 
  • Life Lease
  • Community Support Services (Funded and Unfunded) - Models, Innovations, Examples
  • Innovative Models for Seniors' Housing 
  • Aging at Home and In the Community
  • Campuses of Care
  • Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness - Engaging with Local Community 
  • NFP Retirement Homes

Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

  • Collaborative Leadership
  • Leadership Development, Leading During a Crisis
  • Funding and Reporting
  • Public Relations, Media Relations, and Reputation Management
  • Advocacy, Building Organizational Capacity to Support Advocacy 
  • Licensing
  • Accreditation 
  • National Standards

Technology and Innovation

  • Ontario Health Teams - Technology Integration
  • Creating Efficiencies and Workflow Processes
  • IT Strategy, Planning, Investing in New Technologies
  • Funding Technology Initiatives
  • Emerging Technology in Senior's Care
  • Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence 
  • Supporting Virtual Visits with Friends and Families

Capital Development and Redevelopment

  • Project Management
  • New Development and Redevelopment Projects
  • Planning and Site Plan Approvals
  • Construction Models
  • Opening a New or Redeveloped LTC Home - Lessons Learned
  • Procurement and Cost Eligibilities 
  • Fundraising, Capital Campaigns, and Foundations
  • Funding Capital Projects - Funding or Financing
  • Design and Standards
  • Innovative Design

AdvantAge Ontario 2024 Convention

April 17-19, 2024
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel

Thank You to Our Title Sponsor

Sponsorship & Booth Inquiries:
Krista Hook,

Registration Inquiries: