Join us on Monday, October 16 for Digital University, a half-day of concurrent sessions to learn the fundamentals of the digital business.  Every franchise organization is invited to send one representative to each of the concurrent sessions, Operator Perspective and Home Office.

Monday, October 16 | 10:00am - 3:00pm


Operator Perspective Session
This session is designed to arm your lead digital operator with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively guide other operators in your organization through the ins and outs of daily digital operations. By understanding how the digital world integrates multiple platforms, the differences between delivery partners and managing them as a single business, and how to interpret reports and identify key metrics, they will be well-equipped to instruct others. Individuals will leave with the right tools, processes, and practices to facilitate growth and strong digital execution.


Home Office Session
Taco Bell leaders consistently lead discussion about the economic value of the Digital Business and its direct link to our overall profitability, but if you aren't looking at the right data points, you may miss the message.  In this session, the Taco Bell Corporate Team will walk you through an overview of the Digital Business tools and resources, to help your team unveil the black box related to Digital Operations, Marketing and Financials. Walk away from this session with the ability to oversee the financials of all channels of the digital business.